Re: Handgun Death Rate
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 08:23:43 GMT
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In, Christopher L. Weeks writes:
> In, Scott Arthur writes:
> > Do you think they really could understand how it could work out?
> Not the details, but the general idea.
> > How modern
> > media makes politicians almost instantly accountable?
> Probably not. But I'm not sure that it is a significant difference in the
> context of protection of freedoms. It is certainly significant from the POV of
> the potential politician.
> > How in transparent
> > systems, like the UK, those funding politicians would be dragged out into
> > the open?
> I just don't know how that works, or really what you mean. Maybe I just don't
> know enough about the differences between our nations.
> > You will have to educate me a little here, did everyone get the vote from
> > day one?
> Everyone who counted. Our social context has changed so much that we think
> that old way was seriously bad (and I certainly agree) but they weren't
> excluding people who mattered.
> > Men and woman at the same age? African Americans? Native Americans?
> No, no, no.
> > Were the ballots secret? Did husbands vote for there wives?
> I think it varried, and I think not.
> But so what? No nation in the world has ever given the vote to all the
> citizens. Yours doesn't and neither does mine. And I think that's an
> abomination, but there it is.
It shows how time changes things. What was good a few 100 years ago, might
not be quite so good today.
Scott A
> Chris
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Handgun Death Rate
| (...) Not the details, but the general idea. (...) Probably not. But I'm not sure that it is a significant difference in the context of protection of freedoms. It is certainly significant from the POV of the potential politician. (...) I just don't (...) (24 years ago, 20-Jul-01, to
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