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  Re: Gafla
(...) LOL! As it turns out, I'm reading Herbert's Children of Dune for the first time, and the term "gahfla" is clearly defined about halfway through the book. For whatever reason, I immediately remembered the term from OT.FUN and thought that it (...) (15 years ago, 20-Feb-10, to, FTX)
  Re: Gafla
(...) Now wait a minute...I've been accused of thread necromancy over at in the past, but replying to a thread whose last post was 9 years ago (28-Nov-00)!?!? You sir, win this round ;^) (15 years ago, 19-Feb-10, to, FTX)
  Re: Bricklink MODs need to go!
(...) Well, at least you've got all of that "Da Vinci Code" money coming in. Beyond that, I can't really hazard a guess about the actions of the mods. I've always found he BL discussion forum to abe generally welcoming, but the site itself is of (...) (15 years ago, 19-Feb-10, to
  Re: Gafla
(...) Wait a minute... I think you mean ghafla, the gadfly distraction (according to Fremen). I knew I'd figure it out before too long. Though I don't know whether or not I knew you were a fan of Herbert. (15 years ago, 19-Feb-10, to, FTX)
  Bricklink MODs need to go!
Well it has been over 2 weeks since I was booted from Bricklink in a fit of standard stupidity. What I love best is the fact, and YES it is a fact they allow criminals on, people who have been BANNED FOR LIFE...yea, I remember that too! And I get (...) (15 years ago, 18-Feb-10, to

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