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 Off-Topic / *54660 (-20)
  Is this really me?
I managed to get a wrong email attached to my Lugnet profile and it reappears whenever I log profile has a different email, so this must be on the Lugnet server...hopefully, posting this message will reset the server somehow. (16 years ago, 10-Jan-09, to
  Re: NXT-G print to text?
(...) Heh, no, but the Zune 30 leap year bug was one of those pretty obscure situations that are hard to anticipate. (16 years ago, 6-Jan-09, to
  Re: Cobi and others
(...) Hi, Sonnich! If you stop by The Blok Forum, you'll find a fair bit of information about Cobi and other brands. Several of the members there are very knowledgeable about Cobi and Enlighten. Check it out, if you get the chance: (URL) to see you (...) (16 years ago, 30-Dec-08, to
  Re: Cobi and others
(...) Forgot to mention, that at least "Enlighten" is from China. There is no information about them on wikipedia. Is there a "legopedia" about this? WBR Sonnich (16 years ago, 28-Dec-08, to
  Cobi and others
Hi all Is there an overvies for lego-pirates? Basically I want to know more about Cobi. The point: Megablocks and Cobi are sold here in Estonia, mixed with lego. Is that legal ei EU? Megablocks are from Canada, Cobi from where? China? What kind of (...) (16 years ago, 28-Dec-08, to
Test (16 years ago, 15-Dec-08, to
Hutlihut! (16 years ago, 11-Dec-08, to
again... (16 years ago, 11-Dec-08, to
  Re: Speed build
(...) Thats not bad at all. Thats about 1 part every 7 seconds. From memory it took 5 hours for me.... Well Done. Steve (16 years ago, 8-Dec-08, to, lugnet.technic)
  Speed build
I haven't bought any Technic sets in a while, but now I finally got the 8275 bulldozer, and I thought it might be fun to do a speed build with it. I finished it in 2h 36m, and I think that's not too bad for a first attempt... Maarten (16 years ago, 4-Dec-08, to, lugnet.technic)
  Re: The Brick Testament - The Book of Job
(...) A devastatingly brilliant member of LUGNET commented on this very subject a while back. Read his wisdom (URL) and be forever changed. Dave! (16 years ago, 27-Nov-08, to, FTX)
  Re: The Brick Testament - The Book of Job
In, Anders Franzén wrote: snippity (...) snip (...) At least 2 sources I've read claim it was a dragon. (URL) Here's one of them>. sjf (16 years ago, 26-Nov-08, to, FTX)
  Re: The Brick Testament - The Book of Job
(...) Hi! When looking into The Book of Job again (latest Swedish version from 2000) I noted that, as you correctly says, Yahweh created Behemoth, not defeated it. I have read somewhere that Behemoth is a Hippopotamus, which fits well to Yahweh's (...) (16 years ago, 25-Nov-08, to, FTX)
  Re: Opinions needed for Color and Edge Values
(...) Ahhh... The thought never entered my mind :-) Seems I'm the one that need more coffee - but not now, closing on bedtime here... Thanks for the correction and explanation! (16 years ago, 23-Nov-08, to
  Re: Opinions needed for Color and Edge Values
(...) 'Persons' can be male or female so 1 in 12 of 1 in 2 are coloublind. AKA 1 in 24 ;) Tim (16 years ago, 23-Nov-08, to lugnet.cad,
  Re: text I win the battle of my PC :-)))) (...) (16 years ago, 18-Nov-08, to
Ciao messaggio di prova Ciao Fabio (16 years ago, 18-Nov-08, to
  Re: testing 1,2,3...
(...) Hope it works now. (16 years ago, 13-Nov-08, to
  Re: Ahh infinity, how I love ye! Was Re: George Bush has legitimised terrorism
(...) I'm sure you'll have at least two or three ways of getting in touch with me at that time... Dave! (16 years ago, 11-Nov-08, to, FTX)
  Re: Ahh infinity, how I love ye! Was Re: George Bush has legitimised terrorism
(...) See, this is why people should never admit when they've made a mistake. And I will continue to ridicule the Myers-Briggs Test Instrument while there is breath in my lungs and blood in my veins, thank you very much. Dave! (16 years ago, 11-Nov-08, to

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