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 Marketplace / Theory / 2510
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Re: KBToys discount strategy
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 20:05:17 GMT
1710 times
In, Cary Clark writes:
KBToys recently introduced a marketing gimmick that allows 20% off future
purchases. Every $100 spent qualifies one for a 20% off coupon. The coupon
takes off 20% any future purchase, even if the items are already on sale.
The coupons never expire, and are good at the outlets as well as the regular
retail stores. There are additional qualifiers which I won't go into here.


The surprise for me is that you qualify to receive a new coupon even if you
are using an old coupon to make a purchase. So, if you always purchase $100
or more of merchandise, after the first purchase, you'll never run out of

Your mileage (or at least mine) may vary.  When I took advantage of this
a couple of weeks ago (having already gotton one coupon), I was explicitly
informed that I wouldn't get a coupon for a purchase made with a coupon.

Other things to note when gaming the system:

1.  These things (at least mine) work in $25 increments.  You get a stamp
on the card for each $25 spent, until you get to $100, when the coupon
becomes "effective" for your next purchase.  But they also offer an
extra stamp for your FIRST $25 purchase on the coupon (i.e. they mark
it as if you spent $50).  So, strategy is apparently, spend $25 and
get $50 worth stamped.  Go back and spend $50 to get up to $100 stamped.
Now you have your 20% discount on next purchase.

2.  Also, don't spend more than $100 in a single purchase in any case,
since they only give you/stamp one card regardless of total.  (It's not
like a Kohls "spend $50, get $10 coupon deal, where you get a coupon for
EACH $50 spent, regardless of total amount).

Suddenly (at least for me), KBToys becomes a more interesting place to check
out. If they're running a 20% off all LEGO sale, it becomes a 36% off sale.
The Yoda sculptures priced at $90 are now priced at $72. Granted, one has to
be very choosy, but with the gimmick KBToys has competitive offerings.

So my question for the mavens in market.theory is why? If you were running a
retail store or chain of stores, would you give out a discount on a purchase
made with a discount?


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: KBToys discount strategy
(...) That makes more sense to me. The two times I've used coupons, I've gotten more coupons. Probably my store is not well-informed about the policy. (...) Another case where my store probably did it wrong. I did get a coupon per $100. My store was (...) (22 years ago, 13-Dec-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  KBToys discount strategy
KBToys recently introduced a marketing gimmick that allows 20% off future purchases. Every $100 spent qualifies one for a 20% off coupon. The coupon takes off 20% any future purchase, even if the items are already on sale. The coupons never expire, (...) (22 years ago, 13-Dec-02, to

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