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Re: Fred Meyer has sets for 50% off
Fri, 4 Feb 2000 05:36:18 GMT
1410 times
Hope they move this sale to oregon soon.  i am finding large quantities of
episode 1 and egyptian adventures sets.  still at full price, just waiting to
be reduced and sold.


In, Rose Regner writes:
Well I ran across the manager of my favorite Fred Meyers. He was very
talkative and continued to give me all sorts of info, even though I was
really trying hard to end the conversation and get home. I would try to end
the conversation and he would start into some new topic.

Clearance sales:

According to him, his store has the second highest volume in the region and
he receives special permission to put clearance items on sale earlier than
the other stores. This store is usually 1-3 weeks ahead of the other stores
around here.

He stated that the clearance cycle is 25% off for 1 week and 4 weeks at 50%,
then they either go 75% or they donate the sets to charity. Most likely they
donate the sets to charity. (this store has followed this pattern, I have
stumbled across 60-70% off sets but they were at a different Fred Meyers).
This store goes to 50 % very quickly, the other stores do take longer than 1
week, so I think the cycle varies from store to store. This store just got
their new Lego in today.

He gave me lots of info, it must have been my lucky Lego charm (I once again
had my 5 week old KABOB hanging around my neck). I also found out that we
are getting three new Fred Meyers (one is 1 mile from my house) and a new
Target (2 miles from my house).  Now we will have two Targets in the area.
Yippee. I could walk to clearance sales.

I was picking up clearance Lego for some fellow LUGNETer's and I guess I was
rewarded with some happy news.


R2 wrote in message ...
I am in Idaho. I went by another Fred Meyer today and they didn't have any
clearance items. They have atleast 30 each of the mummy tombs and the
Technic beach buster. Is there a specific set you want?


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Fred Meyer has sets for 50% off
Likewise, I hope this moves into Oregon soon. Though I hope that david and I aren't competing for the same sets... *grin* Get your hands off of those "Gungan Patrol"s! (...) (25 years ago, 4-Feb-00, to
  Re: Fred Meyer has sets for 50% off
David Phillips wrote in message ... (...) to (...) The Fred Meyer I went to didn't have any Star Wars Lego on clearance. I did notice that at one Fred Meyer they had an in store ad selling the mummy's tomb for 19.99. From past experience this sale (...) (25 years ago, 4-Feb-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fred Meyer has sets for 50% off
Well I ran across the manager of my favorite Fred Meyers. He was very talkative and continued to give me all sorts of info, even though I was really trying hard to end the conversation and get home. I would try to end the conversation and he would (...) (25 years ago, 4-Feb-00, to

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