Re: 4559 for less than MSRP
Thu, 18 Nov 1999 16:51:54 GMT
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In, Erin Windross writes:
> Actually, here where I live, they are.
> I was going to get a 4559 in August, there was a couple of them in the Lego
> isle in Zellers.
> But, The day when I went to get them, they were gone!........oh well.....:-(
Go check again. The 4559's were off the shelf at my local Zellers for about 3
months - I thought they'd been pulled, and kept wandering by the clearance
center in hopes they'd appear, but no dice. A couple weeks ago, I noticed
them back on the shelf. I suspect they were pulled from the shelf so that the
SW sets would have somewhere to go when they took down the dedicated SW aisle.
Message is in Reply To:
| | Re: 4559 for less than MSRP
| (...) I was going to get a 4559 in August, there was a couple of them in the Lego isle in Zellers. But, The day when I went to get them, they were gone!........oh well.....:-( Erin "You arrived to late, they're gone" Windross -- Even minifigs need a (...) (25 years ago, 18-Nov-99, to
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