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    Re: Can we all agree to do eCheck payments with Paypal and not CC? —Rob Doucette
   "Larry Pieniazek" <> wrote in message (...) I assume you are referring to charges borne by international account holders (non-US). From the Policy Changes page: ===...=== International Payments (...) (24 years ago, 2-Nov-00, to
        Re: Can we all agree to do eCheck payments with Paypal and not CC? —Ben Roller
     (...) I don't know for sure, but I think that it's illegal in some states to charge extra for credit card purchases. Anyone know if this is true or not? ...time passes... Well, I researched it. According to which is what I (...) (24 years ago, 2-Nov-00, to
         Re: Can we all agree to do eCheck payments with Paypal and not CC? —Rob Doucette
     "Ben Roller" <> wrote in message (...) goods. (...) and (...) charge (...) what I (...) CA, (...) according (...) them in (...) MasterCard (...) I don't know if this is applicable since (...) (24 years ago, 2-Nov-00, to
         Re: Can we all agree to do eCheck payments with Paypal and not CC? —Frank Filz
     (...) The agreement with the credit card company is PayPal's, you never signed an agreement with Visa or any other credit card company. However, you did agree to PayPal's conditions. Looking through them, I don't see anything about surcharges, so it (...) (24 years ago, 2-Nov-00, to
        Re: Can we all agree to do eCheck payments with Paypal and not CC? —Mike Stanley
   (...) I don't think that's workable, personally. I could see 3-4%, but not 10%. And you might be able to "legally" get away with holding onto the funds of some forgetful (or inconsiderate) person who chooses to violate this gentlemen's agreement (...) (24 years ago, 2-Nov-00, to

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