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Re: Best way to remove marker pen from Lego?
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 09:27:57 GMT
39 times
In, Kerry Raymond writes:
(Translated that means that their condition was far worse than advertised!)

It's amazing what people think is still a sellable item, isn't it?

I have had one too many bad deals from eBay (and one REALLY bad deal, that
actually mad me angry because of the disparity between actual condition and
advertised condition).  Hence the creation of my grading standards.  I
honestly think if you have any doubt as to the condition of an item that you
might inquire with the URL of the grading standards right in the text
content of the inquiry, cut and pasted:

I would especially recommend doing so in the event that the seller sounds
like a newbie: a mom selling off her college kid's stuff, someone who
normally deals in other merchandise, etc.  Do look at feedback, and do look
at previous items sold.

Sorry to hear of your bad deals...

Any cleaning fluids that anyone can recommend?

If they are light colored bricks (i.e. white, grey, yellow) you *might* try
a bleach solution (20-30% bleach) for several days.  Except for white, it
may alter the color of the brick, but it sounds like you are at a point
where it may not matter anyway.  We have a product in the states called
"Brasso" that is actually a mild abrasive intended for metals -- basically
it's some kind of powdered mineral matter suspended in petroleum
distillates.  You can try polishing the marks off with such a product.  I
have also heard of toothpaste used the same way but I have tried it and it
takes longer.  Use something fairly thick for the polishing like a small bit
of an old t-shirt and keep at it.  For detailed work of the same kind you
can use a cotton swab.  This same technique may even bring back the
appearance of some trans elements provided that they are already so badly
scuffed that you don't care how they come out -- the polishing can actually
improve their transparency! It can also be used to remove printing from
certain elements (as seems to be commonly done to UFO quarter domes for
architectural MOCs).

Hope this helps.

-- Hop-Frog

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Best way to remove marker pen from Lego?
(...) A well-known product in Australia, too, along with its stablemate Silvo. I remember only too well polishing my Girl Guide/Brownie badges every week with Brasso, so that I could go to meetings and sing songs like "Lullagulla, we delight, in (...) (23 years ago, 7-Nov-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Best way to remove marker pen from Lego?
I have recently got a couple of extremely well-used sets on ebay. (Translated that means that their condition was far worse than advertised!) I did the washing machine thing to remove the dust, grime, and whiten those very-yellowed-whites as best I (...) (23 years ago, 7-Nov-01, to

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