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  Re: Curating
(...) Dear all. I've just got the email from Suz switching on my editing privileges, Thanks Suz. I've also emailed T.J. Avery to get a bit of advice and a sneaky look at his code for .technic, cheers T.J.! I hope to do a quick tidy up tonight to get (...) (23 years ago, 23-Apr-02, to, lugnet.admin.curators)
  Re: Proposal for an AFOL Event at LEGOLAND Windsor
"Jonathan Reynolds" <> wrote in message (...) already! - (...) where (...) buildings, (...) share (...) up a (...) well (...) Saturday. Are (...) I guess I would like to see some basic design to (...) (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to
  Re: Proposal for an AFOL Event at LEGOLAND Windsor
(...) I know I'm not a part of the UK AFOL community, but I'll throw in my suggestions :) Since you're displaying in a park, but holding an 'AFOL event,' a couple things to keep in mind. LEGO probably wants you to display your creations to the (...) (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to
  Re: Proposal for an AFOL Event at LEGOLAND Windsor
(...) Jason (and others willing to display trains), Well, with all this stock it looks like we are half way there already! - will these items fit onto a module (see or two modules? Essentially, a couple of trial runs are needed prior to (...) (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to
  Re: Proposal for a LUGNET Event at LEGOLAND Windsor
"Chris Dee" <> wrote in message (...) same (...) hate (...) The very same -- Jon is just opening the floor up to get more ideas. Huw (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to
  Re: Lego Fest on Saturday
"Jason J Railton" <> wrote in message (...) I am sorry to say that I won't be able to attend. It's my youngest daughter's first communion the following weekend and I have been 'ordered' to stay (...) (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to
  Re: Lego Fest on Saturday
I've just updated the page. So far are coming : Jason J Railton Pete Reid Kenny (friend of Pete) Andrew Todd (one of my friend) Magnus Lauglo (an american in UK) Simon Bennett Steve Burge That should answer your question Jason. (...) This is indeed (...) (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to
  Re: Curating
All: Now that the subject has been fully discussed and settled, it is clear that Simon will be curating Big thanks to him for taking this on! -Suz (...) (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to, lugnet.admin.curators)
  Re: Proposal for a LUGNET Event at LEGOLAND Windsor
(...) I agree that this is an exciting opportunity - but is this one and the same suggestion that Jason Briscoe was advocating through another forum? I'd hate for there to be two separate initiatives. Chris (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to
  Re: Lego Fest on Saturday
(...) I am and I'm going to bring all the unusual stuff I picked up at LLW, though unfortunately I can only stay 'til lunchtime. Psi (23 years ago, 22-Apr-02, to

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