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Asda Update - I was in there Today!
Sun, 24 Oct 1999 13:23:17 GMT
399 times

Just happened to look in an Asda near near in the east of London, and i found
they had quite a bit in the sale. No SW stuff but a reasonable amount of the
following sets. All were 50% off! If anyone want anything please mail me

UFO 6900 Xvader one with the mask £9.99, 6829 £5, WW Duplo Indian encampment
£22. 6755 Silver City £19.99
Divers 6441 Calypso base £22
6087 Evil Mountain £15.99
Aquazone 6108 & 6109.
They also had some other stuff.


PS In case anyone was thinking of trying, i have already tried the Asda in
Swanley and Bexleyheath? (KENT) both have very little, oher than some belville.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Asda Update - I was in there Today!
I forget who put up the Asda announcement with the reference to the Scala House, 3290, but I am very grateful to them. Our local Asda, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, had around 20 of them. I bought 1 for my daughter for Christmas, but at the price of (...) (25 years ago, 24-Oct-99, to
  Re: Asda Update - I was in there Today!
Dear All, ASDA seems to be the place to go at present. My local has Mos Espa Podway reduced to £34.99. I had promised myself not to buy it as I considered it wildly overpriced on release but I weakened. Now I only have to hide it from my wife and (...) (25 years ago, 25-Oct-99, to

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