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Re: German LEGO Community
Newsgroups:,,, lugnet.trains
Mon, 11 Dec 2000 21:04:24 GMT
3705 times
Thanks for posting the reply you got from Lego Direct. I was pleased to see

a) that an AFOL got a pleasant, personal email from Lego Direct
b) a mention about possible new trains from Lego Direct

Even though the train line mention was just that, "a mention" and not a
promise or commitment, it was nice to see in print.

Thanks again,

Bryan Kinkel

"Christian Gemuenden" <> wrote in message
Hi all,

most of you know that there are several smaller AFOL communities besides
LUGNET. The forum at is one of these communities similar
to Lugnet but a bit smaller and nearly entirely German.

As I was a bit dissapointed about the fact that LEGO Direct seems to look
mostly at Lugnet and ignores the other communities, I dropped LEGO Direct • a
note AND within a few days recieved the following extremely surprising
reply! (Just read on...)

Bye, Christian --- xTI@N.
Lugnet #479 - The World is full of AFOLs - e-mail:
my website:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacob McKee" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 7:50 PM
Subject: German LEGO Community

Gruss Dich!

My name is Jake McKee and I work for LEGO Direct. We wanted to drop a • note
to let you all know that we are certainly aware of the German LEGO AFOL
community! We have been following your growth for some time, and are • pleased
to see your progress!

As we grow, LEGO Direct will be making more of an effort to include the
German community in our ongoing communications. We are working to • improve
our presence in the German LEGO community with the LEGO Club and other
initiatives. This is a very exciting time for us at LEGO Direct with the
release of bulk brick sales, sculptures, custom kits like Mosaic and • more
(maybe even trains!) coming in the future, and welcome the opportunity • to
include all the LEGO communities in these developments.

I can tell you this. At LEGO Direct, we *do* listen to you. We welcome • your
feedback and appreciate your interest!

Feel free to post the message above on If you like we • can
translate it to German.



jake mckee

senior producer :: LEGO Direct
one hudson square :: new york ny 10013
646.205.4603 ::

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: German LEGO Community
(...) And even more: it might be a hint about TLC reading "our" since 50% of ther German AFOLs seem to be train heads like me and TLC seemed to take note of that fact. :-) Leg Godt! Ben (24 years ago, 11-Dec-00, to, lugnet.trains)
  Re: German LEGO Community
Bryan Kinkel wrote in message ... (...) Oh give me a break. What's the big deal? Why does Lego have to be sooo secretive about the trains. They have NEVER responded to any requests for a statement (on LUGNET) about their future status. The way Lego (...) (24 years ago, 11-Dec-00, to,,, lugnet.trains)
  AGAIN: German LEGO Community
Hi all! Sorry for having canceled my original message, here it is again.... most of you know that there are several smaller AFOL communities besides LUGNET. The forum at is one of these communities similar to Lugnet but a bit (...) (24 years ago, 12-Dec-00, to,,, lugnet.trains)

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