Re: Do you ever wonder...
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 12:32:11 GMT
1999 times
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In, Andrew Keeping writes:
Hello Andrew,
> I've just been reading this thread and I'm surprised at the number of Lego
> fans in the areas outside of Toronto.
I'm not sure if we're suddenly coming out of the woodwork, or perhaps just
realizing that we've never really identified ourselves to each other. :)
> I'm from the Harriston area (approx 1
> hour north of Kitchener) but my job requires me to travel quite a bit. I
> pass through Stratford a couple of times a week and know the area fairly well.
Stratford is in an interesting location... almost equidistant from both
London and the Kitchener/Waterloo region. More on this below.
> With this number of people outside Toronto has anyone considered having some
> sort of get together along the lines of the ones the group in TO has? I
> know I'd be interested in meeting other folks that share the same hobby as
> me.
I have thought about it. More so now that I'm realizing there are, in fact,
some of us in this region. I mentioned Stratford's location above in case
that made it an easier place for people to consider driving to. In other
words, most people might have to drive... but perhaps it would be a good
central point of contact. Just a thought. Of course excellent reasons can
be given for London and/or KW, as they at least have Toys 'R Us stores. :)
> I've considered going to one of the get togethers in Toronto, but it's
> a bit of a long drive for me and (no offence to the folks that live there) I
> don't really like visiting Toronto very much.
I'm in a similar boat. Not so much the visiting... I do enjoy that. But it
is a fair drive from here. It's not a trip I would normally do more than a
few times a year.
Having said all that... I hope I can take a minute to remind everyone of The
Hobby Show, in November, in Toronto. It will hopefully be a once-a-year
chance for folks outside the Toronto area to meet, mingle and display LEGO
models along side the people from Toronto. (1)
If anyone's in Ontario... and reading this thread... and likes to build with
LEGO bricks... (2) then I would really encourage you to at least consider
attending The Hobby Show this year. It will be the first time LEGO models
have been displayed there and it's a great chance for all of us to get
together (Toronto and non-Toronto people alike) and have a fun weekend.
Sorry... not trying to highjack this thread, but I'm really anxious to raise
awareness of this event and get lots of people out to enjoy it.
All the best!
Allan B.
(1) See this link for more details:
(2) Why are you reading this otherwise? :)
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Do you ever wonder...
| I actualy have driven to Toronto a lot in the last 19 months so i`m used to the drive. Actually going there tomorrow to meet with a friend. I have not beon to an rtlToronto event since i didn`t know they existed until 3 weeks ago. I would definately (...) (22 years ago, 11-Apr-03, to
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Do you ever wonder...
| Howdy all, I've just been reading this thread and I'm surprised at the number of Lego fans in the areas outside of Toronto. I'm from the Harriston area (approx 1 hour north of Kitchener) but my job requires me to travel quite a bit. I pass through (...) (22 years ago, 11-Apr-03, to
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