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  Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
"Kerry Raymond" <> wrote in message (...) don't buy (...) do in (...) Right on sister! Hear hear! It really disturbs me that my fellow Aussies get so excited by a promo with such crappy Lego on offer - (...) (23 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to,
  Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
(...) So, if I understand this correctly ... If I don't go to McDonalds, then I don't have to eat their food and I don't buy a bionicle! That's excellent. It means that I can not do two things I didn't want to do in the time it would normally take (...) (23 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to,
  Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
"Kerry Raymond" <> wrote in message (...) don't buy (...) do in (...) Thank you Kerry... I was afraid BrickNet would have to start giving out free burgers with every Lego set sold. John (23 years ago, 21-Aug-02, to
  Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds
(...) I bought multiples of both the SE and P buckets and bought Bionicle masks (:^) The Mcpromotions have masks in colours not available in the mask packs. My 5yo son loves building things with Bionicle bits and pieces and sad as it may seem to (...) (23 years ago, 23-Aug-02, to
  Promos and Ghosts (was Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds)
(...) Dunno. The foot pieces make good engine fairings (as per the skimmer mocs Pete posted about), and the arms might make good clamps for docking ships. Or not. But if folks like 'em, cool by me. (...) Dunno about this either. 11th busiest in the (...) (23 years ago, 24-Aug-02, to
  Re: Promos and Ghosts (was Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds)
(...) What about Moonbase modules, do they count? :) (23 years ago, 24-Aug-02, to
  Re: Promos and Ghosts (was Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds)
(...) Absolutely. Starships always need thingies to squabble about. And thingies to blow up too ;-) Blowing up Moonbase thingies isn't quite as much fun as blowing up other starships, but its easier, 'cause the Moonbases thingies don't keep moving (...) (23 years ago, 24-Aug-02, to
  Re: Promos and Ghosts (was Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds)
(...) Not always as easy either - sometimes you have to land some distance away and then assault the moonbase using huge easily tripped walking machines... Cheers Richie (23 years ago, 24-Aug-02, to
  Re: Promos and Ghosts (was Re: Bionicles Promo's at McDonalds)
Ahoy! (...) Ahah! I spot a typo: you typed "staships" when you obviously meant "ships"! (I note that .pirates has been even quieter then Cheers Richie (23 years ago, 24-Aug-02, to

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