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 Local / Australia / 7779
  Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
Well, I didn't, David did. But I can confirm that the famous pirate and his scurvy crew have arrived in Queensland TRU's, At least at our 'local' one at Aspley (3 1/2 hours walk - and I should know :) ) I also saw two older sets, I think the 5533 (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to
  Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
(...) Arg! :) There was a big wire basket out the front with about 20-30 of them in (as "the Marauder". I'm almost tempted to go back for a second one... (but no :( ). Only minor disappointment, It doesn't have an anchor! :O I'm going to have to (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to
  Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
(...) I still have 9 new ones in stock @ $1US each. I bought and wrecked 15 Armada Flagships and 15 Red Beard Runners if people need pirate spares. -Brad (...) (23 years ago, 21-Nov-01, to
  Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
(...) Okay, it may not be big, it may not be pretty, but the 'Milennium Parrot' (a heavily modified Dutch YT1300 Sloop) is the fastest ship in the carribean. I'll have you know it once made the Kingston run in 20 Nautical miles! :P Doncha just love (...) (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to
  Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
(...) I've got a bad feeling about this... Richie (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to
  Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
(...) I already ordered 2 (and a few other ship's fittings to boot) from you. ;) Michael, how can you make the Kingston run in "20 nautical miles"? That doesn't make sense. :P (23 years ago, 22-Nov-01, to
  Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
(...) brad i will take them get hold of me direct and we will work a deal. you make the kingston run on the beach. michael. (23 years ago, 23-Nov-01, to
  Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
:0 Sorry if I've offended, I didn't mean to. Brad calls them "Imperial Armada", which is the name of the series apparently. According to Fibblesnork the older sets with red flags are "Imperial Guards", and the ones with the blue flags are (...) (23 years ago, 23-Nov-01, to
  Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD (and any other TLA's you can think of)
(...) I'll try and email you by tomorrow. Regarding the names, I use whatever is in the brickbay catalog. -Brad (...) (23 years ago, 23-Nov-01, to
  Doin' the Kingston Run (was Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD)
(...) It was, like the rest of the story, a Star Wars parody. To give an example of the Millenium Falcon's speed, Han boasts that he once "made the Kessell run in less than 12 parsecs", parsecs being a unit of distance, like nautical miles. See, (...) (23 years ago, 24-Nov-01, to
  Re: Doin' the Kingston Run (was Re: Got an RBR at TRU, QLD)
(...) I think that David realised this; hence the 'sticking-out-tongue' emoticon. :P (...) Besides, as any good nerd could tell you, space=time. Hence a faster ship can travel from one place to another in a shorter distance. For instance, look at (...) (23 years ago, 24-Nov-01, to

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