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Re: LegOz 2001.Vic.???
Thu, 20 Sep 2001 13:04:21 GMT
639 times
In, Benjamin Whytcross writes:
In, Ross Crawford writes:
If anyone wants to try & do a train / town layout (Martin?) I've got a couple
of trains, a couple of re-built WTC towers, a freight ship, and probably a
station (if I get it finished).

I may be able to provide some train stuff...depends on transport ;)

I thought trains were transport 8?)

Also, The R.B.R. has received a little mechanical assistance, but I believe
that the majority of the troops are assisting in the construction of the

And anyone interested in parts from the 6478 (Fire Station) let me know - I • got
8, but some's already spoken for, and there's a fair bit in the station (who
says juniorised parts are bad???). Especially if you want helicopters &
motor-trikes, I may be able to do a special fleet deal...

Motor-trikes sound good...pity they're not black :(

Yeah, they're horrible "juniorised" bits - they look quite good, but not very
Lego. Helicopters as well 8?(

Bring along the trade parts though, and I mak be able to take some off your
hands :) [oh yes, flubber from the sets may be nice...similarly instructions.]

There's no flubber - just instructions. But I've got plenty of spares...


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LegOz 2001.Vic.???
(...) Also, horribly unsafe. And we don't even get ambulances to treat the inevitable crash victims anymore, do we? Cheers Richie Dulin (23 years ago, 20-Sep-01, to,

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LegOz 2001.Vic.???
(...) I may be able to provide some train stuff...depends on transport ;) Also, The R.B.R. has received a little mechanical assistance, but I believe that the majority of the troops are assisting in the construction of the barracks. (...) (...) (23 years ago, 20-Sep-01, to,

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