In lugnet.loc.au, Mario Ferrari writes:
> All that talking about Vegemite one month ago made me curious, so I asked my
> Australian English teacher for more info.
> Guess what? Yesterday she came at the lesson with some bread, butter and a
> jar of authentic Vegemite freshly received from her sister in Perth.
> I actually like it, and I wonder why we don't have anything similar here.
> It's expected to be a healthy food also, isn't it?
> Should any of you guys ever come to Italy, please carry a large jar of
> Vegemite for me :-)))
Here's something strange-- about two weeks into the jar of Vegemite Rosco
brought over for me, I went to have some (mind you I wasn't eating it every day
but had had it several times) and suddenly it was like-- I don't know how to
explain it-- a gustatory epiphany, I guess. Like my taste buds had an "aha!"
experience, and suddenly when I took my first bite that day, it was like, "oh
yes, of course!" I don't know how else to explain it, but I think it has
something to do with why children like the strangest foods if they've grown up
on them (they just don't consciously remember the point of "aha!"). I mean, I
liked it all right the first time I tried it, but it was still foreign--
suddenly it was different-- perhaps familiar-- I can't explain exactly. Maybe
this has something to do with DaveL's Vegemite Zen.
BTW Mario, Happy Birthday!
Maggie C. (the American who tried Vegemite-- and liked it!)
Message has 3 Replies:  | | Re: OT: Italian tries Vegemite
| (...) my (...) a (...) every day (...) to (...) "aha!" (...) "oh (...) grown up (...) mean, I (...) Maybe (...) I understand what you mean, but this experience is currently precluded to me. I don't even know *when* I'll have the opportunity to taste (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jun-01, to lugnet.loc.au, lugnet.off-topic.fun)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | OT: Italian tries Vegemite
| All that talking about Vegemite one month ago made me curious, so I asked my Australian English teacher for more info. Guess what? Yesterday she came at the lesson with some bread, butter and a jar of authtentic Vegemite freshly received from her (...) (24 years ago, 28-Jun-01, to lugnet.loc.au)
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