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Re: Lego shanty-town
Sat, 17 Mar 2001 03:57:47 GMT
625 times
In, Peter White writes:
Ever bought a bag of second-hand Lego ?
Apart from the fluff, small soldiers, marbles and mysterious toy pieces of
unknown origin, there are often Lego pieces that are a bit the worse for wear.
Some have been tested to destruction in unknown experiments.

What to do ? Throw Lego orphans away ? Just doesn't seem right.

Actually I forgot to mention... I have a few of these types of pieces, need
'em? cause the only thing I use them for is when I am strengthening a
structure (in the hidden or middle parts).

And yep... mine came from the Second hand Lego bag (no, I am not a second
hand Lego Bag Lady :P)

I am planning a Lego shanty-town, made with damaged and broken pieces.
A place where the limbless, faded, off-their-face or down on their luck
minifigs can happily reside.
Broken windows, they will fit right in, broken motor-bikes can just go out

Of course the limbless are quite welcome in the city, we just need to instal
the proper facilities ;^)

pete.w <>

Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: Lego shanty-town
Pete I have a bunch of these from my pre-dark-ages. Make me an offer... ROSCO (...) wear. (...) (24 years ago, 17-Mar-01, to
  Re: Lego shanty-town
(...) Any orphans, clones or Timmies are welcome in my collection. I am planning Clone Town as well, for the second-class citizens. pete.w <> (24 years ago, 17-Mar-01, to

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  Lego shanty-town
Ever bought a bag of second-hand Lego ? Apart from the fluff, small soldiers, marbles and mysterious toy pieces of unknown origin, there are often Lego pieces that are a bit the worse for wear. Some have been tested to destruction in unknown (...) (24 years ago, 17-Mar-01, to

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