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Re: Question about Technic parts
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 16:52:04 GMT
1790 times
In, Sue Ann Barber wrote:
Hey everyone

Here's a question about Technic parts..

What was the first series that introduced technic style parts in a big way
in a non-technic set?

Would it have been Life on Mars? Of course, I'm removing from the list
anything that was branded as Technic originally (Robo Riders, Bionicles etc)

Any ideas?


Sue Ann

When I read this the first theme to come to mind was Space.  If you go back to
the Space sets of the early to mid 1980's, you'll find Technic beams, axles, and
pins in use.

Check these out- came with grey 1x8 Technic beams, axles came with black 1x12 Technic beams, grey axle
pins came with blue 1x8 Technic beams, black axle


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Question about Technic parts
(...) back to (...) axles, and (...) axle (...) axle (...) Hmm... not sure that it's Space - only because I used to collect a *lot* of space and never had a *huge* amount of Technic until a few years ago - after I stopped my hardcore space (...) (20 years ago, 11-Dec-04, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Question about Technic parts
Hey everyone Here's a question about Technic parts.. What was the first series that introduced technic style parts in a big way in a non-technic set? Would it have been Life on Mars? Of course, I'm removing from the list anything that was branded as (...) (20 years ago, 6-Dec-04, to

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