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Re: Target Toy Sale starts today!!! (was Re: Target Toy Sale starts tomorrow)
Thu, 24 Jul 2003 00:19:07 GMT
908 times
In, Brad Linsley wrote:
   Well, Target Chatswood wasn’t exactly a hive of activity at 8:03am this morning. I seemed to be the only customer.

My 2xLegoredos, Constellation and the girly HP set with Hermione constitute my largest ever single LEGO purchase.

It is not a good idea to transport that much LEGO, along with a briefcase, on a packed peak hour train, though.

It was wall to wall at one of my local Targets, layby line stretch the length of the store.

Fortunately, the Fort Legoredos we’re hidden way out the back (away from the regular LEGO shelf), so they moved slowly so I had time to make multiple trips.

If anyone plans on buying bulk, you can fit over 24 legoredos in a trolley :)

-Brad (going back for more)

2 Hours in the Lay-by que...........

Cant resist those prices though>>


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Target Toy Sale starts today!!! (was Re: Target Toy Sale starts tomorrow)
(...) It was wall to wall at one of my local Targets, layby line stretch the length of the store. Fortunately, the Fort Legoredos we're hidden way out the back (away from the regular LEGO shelf), so they moved slowly so I had time to make multiple (...) (22 years ago, 24-Jul-03, to, FTX)

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