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 Inventories / * (-20)
  Inventory Software: Peeron Plugin for Delicious Library 2
Hi all, I hope this is the right list. I just wanted to announce that I've just finished a first version of a plugin for Delicious Library 2 to import my inventory of my personal Lego collection. Any of you who are Mac users and own a copy of (...) (13 years ago, 2-Jan-12, to lugnet.inv)  
  The LEGO Minifigure Catalog
"This catalog presents high quality photographs of all LEGO® Minifigures released between 1970s and 2010. The 3600 plus Minifigures® are organized by an innovative nomenclature that makes it easy to identify Minifigures®. Several indexes make it (...) (14 years ago, 23-Jun-11, to lugnet.inv, lugnet.announce) ! 
  Re: Large wooden box
(...) Maybe Peeron can shed some light on this for you. Here's a quick query: (URL) (14 years ago, 8-Dec-10, to lugnet.inv)
  Re: Large wooden box
(...) I don't know. However, the person you want to ask is 'Gary Isok'. He might be able to answer and even have some information about it. Nice find by the way. -Abner (14 years ago, 4-Dec-10, to lugnet.inv)
  Large wooden box
I used to have a set that came in a large wooden box It looked like this (URL) it had two polystyrene trays full of bricks. I'd love to find a set number and an inventory. Any help would be greatly received. Cheers Steve (14 years ago, 4-Dec-10, to lugnet.inv)
  BrickMaster set 20013 contains 1x3 tiles!
I got the latest BrickMaster set today, a mini-scale Atlantis submarine. It has a Christmas present inside: two red 1x3 tiles! Yes, you read that right: 1x3 tiles. Tiles. Three studs long, one stud wide. And red. The instructions list them as part (...) (15 years ago, 24-Dec-09, to, lugnet.inv, lugnet.general, lugnet.announce, lugnet.dear-lego)  
  Re: Space Skulls inventory question 10192
(...) A ha! Thanks, Russell. Much appreciated. I was hoping for light blueish grey. Drat. Jonathan (16 years ago, 21-Oct-08, to lugnet.inv)
  Re: Space Skulls inventory question 10192
(...) They look white to me. The inventory is in the back of book 2: (URL) (16 years ago, 21-Oct-08, to lugnet.inv)
  Space Skulls inventory question 10192
Hello, Can anyone help with the color of the main elements in this set? Are they white or light bluish grey? Specifically, the 1x3 curved slopes? I can't find an inventory on peeron or bricklink. Thanks, Jonathan (16 years ago, 21-Oct-08, to lugnet.inv,
  Very nice building. What part is this?
I like this building a lot. (in addition the the other buildings in this BShelf acct). I am wondering what part is used on this. It is on the 2nd floor, white, towards the bottom of the white window frame treatments. (there are three of them) It (...) (16 years ago, 6-Aug-08, to,, lugnet.inv)
  Sets that have 'Brick 2 x 2 with White Lego Logo Open-O Pattern' (3003px8) ?
Hello Lego friends! I just picked up a small sack of 1970's legos today and found a very unusual piece. It has been inventoried at peeron but it does not have any sets associated with it yet. If you have a set with this piece I'd love to know what (...) (17 years ago, 31-May-08, to lugnet.inv)
  Re: Italian Exclusives missing on Peeron, BL, Lugnet or Brickset
Willy Tschager schrieb: (...) The two links are both the same picture. Is that correct? cu mikeheide (17 years ago, 29-May-08, to lugnet.inv)
  Retrieving tabular/csv inventories of individual sets
Does Peeron provide downloadable tab-delimited inventories for individual sets? I am aware of the "Export My Parts" feature, but as far as I can see that provides an aggregate list of parts from all sets in a user's collection. Is there a way to (...) (17 years ago, 20-May-08, to lugnet.inv,
  Italian Exclusives missing on Peeron, BL, Lugnet or Brickset
Hi, here: (URL) find hires scans of two Italian exclusives listed anywhere. These bulks where produced in 1996. w. (17 years ago, 1-Apr-08, to lugnet.inv)
  Set # 6407-1: Fire Chief
The Hose Reel 2 x 4 x 2 Holder with Fire Logo Pattern #4209p01 has to be Hose Reel 2 x 4 x 2 Holder with Fire Logo Badge Pattern #4209px1. This is clearly seen on the instruction pages!. cu mikeheide (17 years ago, 3-Mar-08, to lugnet.inv)
  light bley cheese
Yay! (URL) of 'em. Now if only I had any inspiration to build anything . . . Still in a funk, Jonathan (17 years ago, 4-Feb-08, to lugnet.inv)
  Re: New 1 x 2 x 2/3 slope in 2008?
(...) There are a few odd pieces coming out this year, and some of them got a jump start with the early "January" releases that started showing up in December. Others, we'll just have to wait for. One of the other new pieces that I'm really geeked (...) (17 years ago, 23-Jan-08, to lugnet.inv, FTX)
  Re: New 1 x 2 x 2/3 slope in 2008?
(...) A-ha! Thanks. (thanks Purple Dave as well) I hadn't seen that part yet. Hmmm, I wonder how two of them side by side would look as a ladder or steps up to a train engine or something. Thanks again! Jonathan (17 years ago, 22-Jan-08, to lugnet.inv, FTX)
  Re: New 1 x 2 x 2/3 slope in 2008?
(...) The swiss cheese wedge (part #61409) is already in the wild, thanks to the Deep Jungle subtheme of Exo-Force. I picked up the Storm Lasher (that's the one with the big orc-sword fanblades), and it has a couple of these in yellow. It is indeed (...) (17 years ago, 18-Jan-08, to lugnet.inv)
  Re: New 1 x 2 x 2/3 slope in 2008?
(...) I think that is a (URL) part> that is already available in a few sets. (...) Dont make us wait until July to see your awesome MOCs! "Big Daddy" Nelson (17 years ago, 18-Jan-08, to lugnet.inv, FTX)

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