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 Harry Potter / *1370 (-10)
  Re: Spoiler!!!
(...) Maggie: It's SO wrong to send people unsolicited copies of books (like "HP and the S's S"). Now I will feel obliged to either read it and give you my honest opinion of the text or sell it and buy you some lego with the proceeds. Hmph! (...) (21 years ago, 26-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Spoiler!!!
(...) Depends on your criteria. Harry Potter is clearly a greater work as far as literacy is concerned, because kids who have had no interest in ready books (shame on them) have suddenly found something to inspire them to do so (even the kid who (...) (21 years ago, 26-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Spoiler!!!
(...) I like Tolkien's general storyline (and this is why I do enjoy the films so far), but I dislike his storytelling style. Frankly, I think he needed a very good editor, and then to listen to that editor very carefully. I'm almost done with the (...) (21 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Spoiler!!!
(...) The Harry Potter books are easier reading than Tolkien (I'm already done with The Order of the Phoenix). I would say LOTR is the greater work while the Potter books are more accessible. -->Bruce<-- (21 years ago, 25-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Spoiler!!!
(...) Buy or rent the books on tape, they are great. Jim Dade is the best narrator I have ever heard. I promise you if you start listening you will not be able to stop. Scott C. (22 years ago, 20-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Spoiler!!!
(...) Couldn't say. Wouldn't either. (...) LOTR is written in a very classical manner (part of the reason why it's accepted as a great literary work instead of tossed in a pile with every other fantasy novel). Part of the big problem with reading it (...) (22 years ago, 20-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Spoiler!!!
In lugnet.harrypotter, Richard Marchetti wrote: snip!! (...) Aw gee, Richard, it shows right up on the web interface. :-( And don't tell me you read the Daily News-- that'll ruin your reputation if nothing else will! (...) They are completely (...) (22 years ago, 19-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
So Dudley croaks, right? Just curious, I've never read an HP book and I doubt I ever shall since it's killing me to slog through LOTR (which I presume is better overall, but I could be wrong). -- Hop-Frog (22 years ago, 19-Jun-03, to lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Clear Horses? Clear Minifigs?
(...) MORE SPOILERS The petronis (sp?) that saved Harry from the dementors was actually a stag, not horse, and nobody was riding it. The only reference to ghost horses that I am aware of is in the first book, there were riders off to the headless (...) (22 years ago, 18-Jun-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)
  Re: Clear Horses? Clear Minifigs?
(...) If this is from the 3rd HP movie and you have not read it, SPOILER ALERT SPOILERS In the 3rd book Harry has to fight some baddies by going back in time (like an hour) using a watch Hermonie has, in the end of the story, he is saved from the (...) (22 years ago, 18-Jun-03, to lugnet.castle, lugnet.adventurers, lugnet.harrypotter, FTX)

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