Larry Pieniazek wrote:
<snip - 6670 is being discussed>
> Why this is subcatagorized RACE is beyond me, Lego does weird stuff
> sometimes. Either that or Joshua does. :-) (it has the auto triangle on
> the instructions, not the race triangle)
I don't believe I did this one. But the '93 and '94 brochures have it
in the Race category
(see http://www.kl.net/scans/catalogs/1994/c94us/c94us-12.jpg)
The auto icon is, like the "recreation" icon, an example of an icon that
never had a name in U.S. brochures, so it wasn't officially a theme in
It should probably be changed in the Pause database, but we'd need to
consensus on a name for that theme, first.
-- joshua
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