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Re: Baseball mini-figs?
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 17:22:30 GMT
1065 times
In lugnet.general, Mike Stanley writes:
David Eaton <> wrote:
I don't really know how it was distributed (packaging, etc.) as I said, my
friend just gave me the minifig, he didn't tell me any details. As for it
lego, I guess it COULD be a clone (I didn't actually go and check for the
"LEGO®" imprint on the pieces), but if it is, it's REALLY well cloned-- I'm
fairly sure it is Lego, though.  I suppose the only other possibility is that
they are real Lego figs, but not printed by TLG... i.e. Someone bought a
bunch of white minifigs with red caps and stamped the "Red Sox" on the torso.
Given the quality of the printing (the blue and red are slightly offset from
each other) I guess this could be the case.

Anyway, I'll bring it to the NELUG meeting on the 31st and we can get a
or two.

Please have someone take several high-res closeup shots.  Might be the
closest some of us ever get to seeing one. :(

David E. has promised to bring it to the NELUG meeting next week.  I will take
some pictures then and put them up on the NELUG site.

Eric K.

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The New England LEGO Users Group

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Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Baseball mini-figs?
(...) Please have someone take several high-res closeup shots. Might be the closest some of us ever get to seeing one. :( (26 years ago, 25-Aug-99, to lugnet.general)

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