Re: Baseball mini-figs?
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 17:22:30 GMT
1065 times
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In lugnet.general, Mike Stanley writes:
> David Eaton <> wrote:
> > I don't really know how it was distributed (packaging, etc.) as I said, my
> > friend just gave me the minifig, he didn't tell me any details. As for it
> > being
> > lego, I guess it COULD be a clone (I didn't actually go and check for the
> > "LEGO®" imprint on the pieces), but if it is, it's REALLY well cloned-- I'm
> > fairly sure it is Lego, though. I suppose the only other possibility is that
> > they are real Lego figs, but not printed by TLG... i.e. Someone bought a
> > whole
> > bunch of white minifigs with red caps and stamped the "Red Sox" on the torso.
> > Given the quality of the printing (the blue and red are slightly offset from
> > each other) I guess this could be the case.
> >
> > Anyway, I'll bring it to the NELUG meeting on the 31st and we can get a
> > picture
> > or two.
> Please have someone take several high-res closeup shots. Might be the
> closest some of us ever get to seeing one. :(
David E. has promised to bring it to the NELUG meeting next week. I will take
some pictures then and put them up on the NELUG site.
Eric K.
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Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Baseball mini-figs?
| (...) Please have someone take several high-res closeup shots. Might be the closest some of us ever get to seeing one. :( (26 years ago, 25-Aug-99, to lugnet.general)
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