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So, how you feel these days?
Fri, 8 Oct 2004 17:50:07 GMT
1020 times
Hey all,

Just curious to see what the general mood is these days.  Ever since the big
change, which I've decided not to adopt, I've found my passion for the hobby
has remained pretty much the same.  Although it's tempered by less
excitement with the announcement of new products for obvious reasons.  I'm
still picking up a few things like Designer sets and other things that have
some of the new colors that I love like dark red and dark blue.  The T-Rex
set is just fabulous!  Lots of dark red and lots of the new teeth pieces!

It's kinda funny, but I sometimes feel like I'm regressing as far as the
hobby is concerned in that I spend more time thinking about old stuff than
new stuff.  It reminds me of how I feel about Star Wars.  As a kid I loved
it like crazy.  These days I still like Star Wars, but it's more of a
bittersweet nostalgia since it has been taken in a direction that no longer
appeals to me.  Now, I'm NOT trying to get all morose or say TLG sucks or
anything like that!  TLG has done a LOT in the last few years, for us AFOL's
in particular, and I really appreciate their efforts.  I still love Lego and
love building with and talking about Lego.  I still love seeing all the
amazing stuff that we make with this, the most awesome of toys.

So, how do you feel?


Message has 6 Replies:
  Re: So, how you feel these days?
(...) <SNIPPED: thoughtful introspection and earnest lamenting > (...) As happy as a pig in slop!!! :-) (URL) on and on and on... I'm glad I'm an adult now and can afford this stuff!!! Cheers, Paul D. Okay, I guess I should say... a pig in slop with (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.general)
  Re: So, how you feel these days?
Funny you should ask. Unfortunately, I have not been able to put nearly the time into my LEGO hobby that I would like. I'm quite dedicated to my family and professional life. I do a lot of playing with my 4 year old & 6 month old girls. We often (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.general)
  Re: So, how you feel these days?
(...) To me it's like there are now 2 companies, one turning out worse products year by year, and on the other hand a small outfit that now and then comes out with little gems (Santa Fe, engine shed, BNSF, Maersk freighter) I still have deep (and (...) (20 years ago, 8-Oct-04, to lugnet.general)  
  Re: So, how you feel these days?
(...) ---SNIP--- If I have to sum it up in one word I would say WHATEVER! Not real sure when my fun of LEGO went down the tube. I've noticed that this year 2004 I've spend very few time using LDraw, making any BIs, and actually playing with the (...) (20 years ago, 9-Oct-04, to lugnet.general, FTX)
  Re: So, how you feel these days?
(...) Not great myself. I have not had any time to build in the past few months. I have a table full of half finished, and barely started projects. Work life has gotten in the way. Life in general has gotten in the way. To busy. Since BrickFest, I (...) (20 years ago, 10-Oct-04, to lugnet.general)
  Re: So, how you feel these days?
I feel that somebody is not doing its job 100%. I surveyed all the store where Lego are sold in my area : WalMart, The Bay, Sears, Club Jouet, ToysRus. ...and I feel that somebody is dropping the ball as far as marketing goes. MegaBlok is taking (...) (20 years ago, 11-Oct-04, to lugnet.general)

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