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Last Call For BricksWest 2003 Presenters/Sessions
Newsgroups:, lugnet.general,,,,, lugnet.castle,,
Sat, 14 Dec 2002 02:08:12 GMT
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82 times
The organizing committee is attempting to finalize the BricksWest schedule
by the end of next week. This is the absolute last chance for you to step
forward and volunteer to run a session or two in Carlsbad.

To date, we are a bit heavy on trains, Mindstorms and LDraw. To add some
diversity to the session offerings, we would like to invite ANY interested
parties to contact us at immediately.

We're looking to either expand upon the offerings from the 2002 event or add
unique new elements to the mix. Some ideas for sessions, roundtables, BOFs,
etc. include:

Town: We haven't seen or heard anything Town specific there enough
of a Town interest, or does this just remain lumped in with Trains?

Mecha: ANYHTHING! This was probably the break-out surprise hit of 2002...the
models on display were fantastic, and some of our fan modelers were even
asked for their autographs at LEGOLAND. Can we beat last year's showing?

Space: I'd had an idea that we could do a Moonbase gathering, but this seems
to have slowed a bit. Any interest from the space-cases? One thing I would
love to do would to get some representatives from NASA or JPL or something
to come and discuss the gathered modules, viability, possible problems, etc.

Castle: It has already been forwarded that this new Marketplace module
project could do a preliminary get-together at BricksWest...was there ANY
interest at all?

Military: Dan Siskind wowed us with some of his historic military MOCs last
time. I've seen some spectacular stuff come up here lately...could we get a
military module gathering going? Say, pick a specific battle from a specific
war, then bring together terrain modules, vehicles and figures to create a
large scene?

Storage: We have a session on insuring your collection...something on
storage systems, building rooms, etc. could be the start of a full track
related to this sort of thing.

Photography: I wanted to do this so badly last year. Tips, techniques,
lighting, picking a camera, etc. I tried to get Best Buy to bring down some
cameras to try out and everything. This would be a REALLY good session...any

Again, this is the ABSOLUTE LAST CALL for sessions...if you have ANY
interest in seeing diverse sessions at BricksWest, we need to hear from you
NOW at



Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: Last Call For BricksWest 2003 Presenters/Sessions
(...) May I say that from what I estimate, BW2003 Pavillion will be a fantastic display by all. I am proud to say that the Mecha Display at Bricks West 2003 will Blow your Minds!!!! I am also willing to if others are, to intergrate displays. Like (...) (22 years ago, 14-Dec-02, to
  Re: Last Call For BricksWest 2003 Presenters/Sessions
The photography secession sounds cool to me. I might be interested in doing that one. Matt, I'll send you a message directly for more info. -- Adrian Egli LUGNET Member #806 "Matthew Gerber" <> wrote in message (...) (22 years ago, 14-Dec-02, to
  Re: Last Call For BricksWest 2003 Presenters/Sessions
Is anyone presenting brickOS at BricksWest? Their last call states that they are heavy on Mindstorms but the Brickwest website, last updated in October?, seems to only indicate several talks on RoboLab. It would be great to have someone present. Or (...) (22 years ago, 17-Dec-02, to lugnet.robotics,
  Moonbase at BricksWest [was: Re: Last Call For BricksWest 2003 Presenters/Sessions]
(...) [...] (...) Is anyone interested in doing something Moonbase-related at BricksWest? This week is the last chance to sign up! --Bill. FUT: (22 years ago, 17-Dec-02, to,
  Re: Moonbase at BricksWest [was: Re: Last Call For BricksWest 2003 Presenters/Sessions]
I've already done 2 Fests in the past 6 months so I'm most likely not going to BricksWest. However if anyone else going there would like to put together a Moonbase, that would be great. Let me know and I will offer any support I can. - j o n -- | (...) (22 years ago, 18-Dec-02, to

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