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Re: Lego candy
Sat, 2 Nov 2002 16:07:47 GMT
1557 times
In lugnet.general, Sean Devolites writes:

I saw Lego shaped sugar candy.
They looked almost the same and I think you can build with them too.
Are they worth getting?

     They're definitely some fun for a little while, but then you get the
munchies, and they all go away.  They're like HUGE smarties, which I can
only eat so many of before getting that sugar ugh feeling.
     Seriously, they make really good stocking stuffers, and great Halloween
goodies (little late for that, I know).  You can indeed build with them,
which gives them an element of fun that most candy doesn't have.

Peace and Long Life,
Tony Alexander

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Lego candy
(...) Thanks for the response. Smarties are good, but I always go through them to fast to remember what they taste like. Thanks for the halloween tip, something for next year. Now only if I knew what they were called.... Hasta La Vista, Sean (22 years ago, 4-Nov-02, to lugnet.general,

Message is in Reply To:
  Lego candy
Wassssup Everyone, I was just at the mall this afternoon, and saw something in one of the candy store windows. (I forget the name) I saw Lego shaped sugar candy. They looked almost the same and I think you can build with them too. Anyone else see (...) (22 years ago, 2-Nov-02, to lugnet.general,

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