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Re: Need Help with Set Source Identification for Particular Piece
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 05:46:35 GMT
1007 times
In lugnet.general, Frank Filz writes:
Greg Perry wrote:

In lugnet.general, Timothy Carl Buchheim writes:
There are a pair of barrels in the new light blue color (not Maersk blue) in
the Racers set 4579 Ice Ramp Racers.

Thanks Tim!  That's one of those sets that I've seen on the shelf, and even
picked up to glance at, but I never noticed the barrels.  I even think this
one might have been in the Wal-Mart clearance aisle the last time I was
there.  Guess it's time to head back again.

I'm really curious now about the actual color of these pieces since you
refer to them as light blue.  Shops on BrickLink have had them listed as
medium blue.  Regardless, I'm hoping that they match up with the blue that
is used for the Scala/Belville drinking utensils (bottle, milk carton, cup).
My idea for using these parts is to build a winery and I want to use
matching barrels and bottles.  Of course, I'll make do with brown barrels if
I have to...

They are a lighter blue than the Scala accessories. Scala colors are all
off, and almost never seen in system sets (I haven't looked at colors in
4721, 4722, and 4723 to see if any of the oranges match Scala colors).

They are the same light blue as in the Mars sets. I think this shade of
blue is very close to Maersk blue, but not quite the same (I don't have
any Maersk blue to compare).


Other sets in which this color shows up:
Bionicle Gali
Bionicle Nui Jaga
Throwbot Ski
Throwbot Scuba
LOM sets that feature the astronauts-not the Martian sets, as that is the
color called Sand Blue.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Need Help with Set Source Identification for Particular Piece
(...) They are a lighter blue than the Scala accessories. Scala colors are all off, and almost never seen in system sets (I haven't looked at colors in 4721, 4722, and 4723 to see if any of the oranges match Scala colors). They are the same light (...) (23 years ago, 2-Feb-02, to lugnet.general)

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