Re: Need Help with Set Source Identification for Particular Piece
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 05:46:35 GMT
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In lugnet.general, Frank Filz writes:
> Greg Perry wrote:
> >
> > In lugnet.general, Timothy Carl Buchheim writes:
> > > There are a pair of barrels in the new light blue color (not Maersk blue) in
> > > the Racers set 4579 Ice Ramp Racers.
> >
> > Thanks Tim! That's one of those sets that I've seen on the shelf, and even
> > picked up to glance at, but I never noticed the barrels. I even think this
> > one might have been in the Wal-Mart clearance aisle the last time I was
> > there. Guess it's time to head back again.
> >
> > I'm really curious now about the actual color of these pieces since you
> > refer to them as light blue. Shops on BrickLink have had them listed as
> > medium blue. Regardless, I'm hoping that they match up with the blue that
> > is used for the Scala/Belville drinking utensils (bottle, milk carton, cup).
> > My idea for using these parts is to build a winery and I want to use
> > matching barrels and bottles. Of course, I'll make do with brown barrels if
> > I have to...
> They are a lighter blue than the Scala accessories. Scala colors are all
> off, and almost never seen in system sets (I haven't looked at colors in
> 4721, 4722, and 4723 to see if any of the oranges match Scala colors).
> They are the same light blue as in the Mars sets. I think this shade of
> blue is very close to Maersk blue, but not quite the same (I don't have
> any Maersk blue to compare).
> Frank
Other sets in which this color shows up:
Bionicle Gali
Bionicle Nui Jaga
Throwbot Ski
Throwbot Scuba
LOM sets that feature the astronauts-not the Martian sets, as that is the
color called Sand Blue.
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