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Re: A good day for LEGO until....
Mon, 30 Jul 2001 02:28:46 GMT
1205 times
In lugnet.general, Mike Walsh writes:

Sort of off topic but since LEGO is a racing sponsor, sort of on topic as
well.  If I were going to sponsor a race car, I wouldn't sponsor and Indy
style car - there simply isn't that much room to plaster your logo on so it
is readable from any distance.  NASCAR provides a much broader canvas to
plaster a logo on and IMHO - it is better racing as well!

Well, even though I work for Roush, I prefer CART..., so I'm
going to avoid taking the bait on the "better racing" part  ;]

You are right, the Cup cars have much more surface area.  But
it all goes to the title sponsor, so LEGO would have to put
up a gob more than they are now, depending on which team they
go to.  Mind you, even the turf they have on Brack's car can't
be all that cheap since he's leading the points standings.  I
wonder if LEGO's long-standing relationship with Shell had
anything to do with their hopping into racing on-board a
Shell-titled car?  I suspect it did.

Anyhow, the key thing is which market is LEGO trying to hit
with their sponsorship?  Winston Cup, while by far the most
popular series in the USA, only hits a certain market.  CART
however gets much more coverage outside the USA, and to a
different group within the USA as well.  It's much more

The most popular world-wide would be F1 by a staggering
amount.  But to get in there is going to cost some major
bucks for anything sizeable.  Especially to hop on board
with Ferrari (the Shell-affiliated team).  And the logo
would be tough to see on the red car.  As well they would
probably want to pay enough to get logos visible to
track-side cameras, and not just on-board cameras like they
have now in CART.  The reason being that Bernie Ecclestone
has the on-board camera rights bottled up so tight that
about the only way you can ever see it is to subscribe to
his special F1 satellite coverage---a very limited market

Ultimately I hope to see some CART-inspired sets..., some
Model Team cars and a transporter would be nice!

LUGNETer #203, Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: A good day for LEGO until....
"Kyle D. Jackson" <> wrote in message (...) [ ... snipped ... ] (...) Sort of off topic but since LEGO is a racing sponsor, sort of on topic as well. If I were going to sponsor a race (...) (24 years ago, 29-Jul-01, to lugnet.general)

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