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Re: LEGO Company announces poor performance in year 2000
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 02:04:40 GMT
635 times
In lugnet.general, James Simpson writes:
In, Suzanne D. Rich writes:
from :

LEGO Company announces poor performance in year 2000

Billund, Denmark -- The LEGO Company today announces it ran a deficit of about
DKK 1 billion in year 2000. "Financially, the past year was extremely
disappointing," says Poul Plougmann, Executive Vice President and COO of the
LEGO Company. "But we know what went wrong and we know what to do about it."

March 6, 2006

Billund, Denmark -- Despite another abysmal year of sales and failed product
marketing in 2005, the Billund-based company announced today that it must close
its main processing plant and suspend production of its trademark "interlocking
bricks." Despite attempts to "keep the ship from listing" since March, 2003 when
record-setting losses of 3.7 billion dollars were posted, largely due to the
failure of the much-touted "Mutanoids" action-figure theme, company officials
insist that the corporation isstill well on its way to becoming "The strongest
name brand in toys by 2008": "We have taken firm grasp of our vision and
commitment to produce a creative and innovative play-system that values the
imaginative potential of the child, and we respect our duty to foster and
nurture the imaginative potential of children world-wide by offering toys that
stimulate creative and non-violent play.  As such we will release Mini-fig Death
Squad 2047 version 7 for use with the Sony Playstation (TM) 12 in the next
fiscal year."

"Our market research indicates that kids just don't want the brick any these days just don't have the patience to put together our
traditional building sets of 15, 20, even 30 pieces," said a Senior RL product
developer.  "Kids these days want a more holistic play experience, and we feel
that our new Virtual Reality Line featuring the Terrorist Negotiator simulation
game will present ever-new learning and creative opportunities for children

Sources close to the company say that they are not deterred by the vocal on-line
community that has been up in arms since the announcement that building "bricks"
would no longer be available.  "While we cannot accomodate all of the needs of
this very important market group, we do want to emphasize that the Virtual
Reality Line offers Virtual Action Gloves and Virtual Night Vision Goggles in
festive and attractive blue, red, and yellow varieties, along with traditional
"stud" attachment points for various accessories that will enhance the play
potential of our child-centered learning games."

  BAD!  BAD!  Your supposed to write "April Fools" on the top, otherwise a
few of the older members might have had heart attacks!  I nearly did (and
I'm not old either)!  Took me a second to see the date.  Anyway, Lego did
(didn't it) announce, in more formal tones, that "You were right, we were
wrong".  So hopefully the above scenario is not going to happen.  I'm still
shaken that MB is watching us...

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Company announces poor performance in year 2000
(...) March 6, 2006 Billund, Denmark -- Despite another abysmal year of sales and failed product marketing in 2005, the Billund-based company announced today that it must close its main processing plant and suspend production of its trademark (...) (24 years ago, 6-Mar-01, to lugnet.general) !! 

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