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Re: Joe's LEGO Webpage
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 23:56:18 GMT
1058 times
Joe, your LEGO models captured my attention as has not been the case in a very
long time.  Not only did your photography bring me into the scene, but the
design, layout, and presentation of your LEGO work are fantastic.

I am awesomely struck with all of the quality applicator equipment models.  I
should wish that some of the applicator companies after which your models are
designed should issue "Special Promotional Sets" in your design likeness.

I was very interested upon seeing your decal decorations.   I've seen others
use decals to enhance their models, and yours do just the right job.
Well done!

There's no doubt about it, I'm partial to exactly the type of models you build:
  town, train, everyday stuff.  Were I not engaged in the intense process of
moving I would be deep in bricks, having been inspired by your creations!

Keep up the quality work.  No doubt you will, for from the looks of the amount
and quality of your models, you've been building with LEGO for some time, no?

I look forward to seeing future messages announcing new LEGO model creations
from your house of bricks.

James Mathis

Joe Davenport writes:
Hi everyone,

This is my first time posting to Lugnet.   I have also tried my first
attempt at creating a page with some pictures of my LEGO town and
miscellaneous projects.  Not all pictures have links to the larger
versions yet.  (I need to get more space on my server.)

If you get a chance, please stop by and take a look.  Any comments or
suggestions are appreciated.


Message is in Reply To:
  Joe's LEGO Webpage
Hi everyone, This is my first time posting to Lugnet. I have also tried my first attempt at creating a page with some pictures of my LEGO town and miscellaneous projects. Not all pictures have links to the larger versions yet. (I need to get more (...) (26 years ago, 19-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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