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I would like some help, please... (More Dacta in Canada)
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 00:08:22 GMT
1078 times
Brief summary for those that may have missed the earlier comments on
this matter:
    I had been inquiring about the availability of LEGO/Dacta in Canada,
and was directed to an educational supplier which supplies it for
Canada: Spectrum  I contacted Spectrum last month and they sent me their
catalogs that contain LEGO/Dacta.  Since there are only a dozen or so
pages of LEGO/Dacta listed in Spectrum's catalog, I realized that
Spectrum's list of LEGO/Dacta is far from complete.

    Today, I decided to call Spectrum to see if I could order LEGO/Dacta
that wasn't in their catalog, if I happened to know the part number of
what I wanted.  Eureka!  The person on the phone said that as long as
the product was part of TLG's educational line (i.e. LEGO/Dacta), he
didn't anticipate there being any serious problems ordering it in.  If
it wasn't part of the educational line (i.e. retail), he said I could
probably get it from S@H or TRU.  Cool.

    So... I need some help.

    I can't get a full LEGO/Dacta catalog where I live, since Pitsco
does not deal directly with Canada.

    (See where I'm going with this?)

    If somebody could tell me how much it would cost to send a magazine
from the U.S. to Canada, I can probably send somebody the stamps
necessary to send it over (or, if somebody has a suggestion that is
easier to work with, I'm open to ideas).

    Email me for details.


(why do I feel like I'm involving myself in some sort of smuggling
operation here?)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: I would like some help, please... (More Dacta in Canada)
(...) Could anyone with a scanner post it some where on the web. There is more than one AFOL in Canada that would like to see all the line of Dacta set. Martin (26 years ago, 20-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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