Re: TLG investigation 1st answers
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 21:47:48 GMT
1031 times
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Mark Benz wrote:
> At the same time, it is generally an unwise business practice to
> ignore/alienate a significant customer group. This is related to
> your point that Lego develops for kids, not for adults. This is only
> partially true. Lego should develop and sell products their
> customers want. I shouldn't have to remind you that Lego is purchased
> mainly by adults for their or other children. (This group
> excepted as we buy it for ourselves.) If you attended any of the 25th
> US anniversary tour stops, I would say that the ratio was
> about 60-40, kids outnumbering adults. And the adults were having as
> good a time as the kids.
Yes, and before someone writes this off as "the adults were there with their
kids".... UH-UH. I HAVE no kids, and quite a few BA TLGers were there
without kids. I'm sure there were others there without kids that weren't
with the BA TLGer group in San Francisco.
| Tom Stangl, Technical Support Netscape Communications Corp |
| Please do not associate my personal views with my employer |
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: TLG investigation 1st answers
| Dittos on the no kids (Not planning any either!). I have a niece, but I am having a hard time deciding if I want to venture to buy her the current selection of Lego sets. I guess I will let her decide. Scott Sanburn (...) (26 years ago, 20-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: TLG investigation 1st answers
| Kaere Jeroen, So I start another novel. I am not at all surprised by the number of responses to your initial inquiry. Its a bit like opening Pandora's box. Many (adults) in the online community feel that TLG pretty much ignores them, rightly or (...) (26 years ago, 19-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)
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