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Re: TLG investigation 1st answers
Fri, 19 Feb 1999 21:47:48 GMT
1031 times
Mark Benz wrote:

At the same time, it is generally an unwise business practice to
ignore/alienate a significant customer group. This is related to
your point that Lego develops for kids, not for adults. This is only
partially true.  Lego should develop and sell products their
customers want.  I shouldn't have to remind you that Lego is purchased
mainly by adults for their or other children. (This group
excepted as we buy it for ourselves.)  If you attended any of the 25th
US anniversary tour stops, I would say that the ratio was
about 60-40, kids outnumbering adults.  And the adults were having as
good a time as the kids.

Yes, and before someone writes this off as "the adults were there with their
kids".... UH-UH.  I HAVE no kids, and quite a few BA TLGers were there
without kids.  I'm sure there were others there without kids that weren't
with the BA TLGer group in San Francisco.

| Tom Stangl, Technical Support          Netscape Communications Corp |
|      Please do not associate my personal views with my employer     |

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: TLG investigation 1st answers
Dittos on the no kids (Not planning any either!). I have a niece, but I am having a hard time deciding if I want to venture to buy her the current selection of Lego sets. I guess I will let her decide. Scott Sanburn (...) (26 years ago, 20-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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  Re: TLG investigation 1st answers
Kaere Jeroen, So I start another novel. I am not at all surprised by the number of responses to your initial inquiry. Its a bit like opening Pandora's box. Many (adults) in the online community feel that TLG pretty much ignores them, rightly or (...) (26 years ago, 19-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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