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Re: UFO's
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 22:03:42 GMT
947 times
On Mon, 15 Feb 1999 16:59:32 GMT, Simon Robinson uttered the following
I've seen tons of the two biggest
UFO's going cheap. At the most extreme, Toys R Us had the
second biggest UFO reduced from £42 to £15 a couple of weeks
_before_ Xmas - not the time of year you want to be reducing
the price of anything that's had half-decent sales.
They still have 2 dozen of these at the Hayes TRU. They had
started the sale off with about a gross (or so it seemed).
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Just out of curiosity, has anyone else got the impression that the UFO's that were withdrawn this year might have completely flopped saleswise? I've seen tons of the two biggest UFO's going cheap. At the most extreme, Toys R Us had the second (...) (26 years ago, 15-Feb-99, to lugnet.general)

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