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 General / 17822
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Re: The Law of Falling Lego
Mon, 1 May 2000 04:10:01 GMT
1353 times
On Mon, 1 May 2000 02:47:48 GMT, Bram Lambrecht <>

All the boxes my LEGO is sorted into are rather large, so while building,
I tend to stack them around me.  However, in order to be able to reach
certain pieces, I often have to move boxes around or shift them, so most
of the time, the boxes are precariously balanced.  When I reach over to
grab a box just out of reach, I sometimes lose my balance and set my hand
into the unsupported portion of one of these precariously balanced boxes.
If I'm lucky, the pieces spill only onto the carpet, and not into half a
dozen other boxes...
Enough rambling,

Sounds like what happens to me.  End up catapulting a monorail sized
box full of pieces at me showering not only myself but the rest of my
sorted boxes with miscellanious pieces.  Quite exciting.


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: The Law of Falling Lego
(...) placing (...) trying in >vain to grab hold of something, you fall over, either onto... 3) the tub that >the rest of your Lego is in, splitting the tub open and causing the contents >to spill out everywhere. The last one has actually happened (...) (25 years ago, 1-May-00, to lugnet.general)

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