Re: Review of 3401 Shoot 'N Score
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 22:10:48 GMT
1694 times
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Very cool. I am glad to here it is a big hit. I'll have to get one now... Flinging
the players off there stands must be fun. After all, the only thing better than LEGO
is flinging the LEGO accross the room, unless you lose it.
Frank Filz wrote:
> Larry Pieniazek wrote:
> > The thing that the minifig plugs into is the same for both the goalie (where it
> > plugs into a handle device which is technic axle in cross section for a good
> > part of it) and the field player (where the male pivot pins and spring holding
> > center pin mate with the female pivot point pair and spring holding doohickie,
> > respectively)
> A couple notes about the goalie handle: the pin which plugs into the
> player holder is a tiny axle pin, and the handle also has the ball half
> of a ball and socket joint sticking down.
> > I also like that the brickish things that the pin plugs into have somewhat of a
> > depression so that almost no matter where you drop the ball on the field, it
> > rolls to some player. The only exception is if it ends up with no relative
> > motion on a perfectly evenly seated tile, in which case it will sit. But who
> > can seat their tiles that perfectly? It was never a problem for us.
> I've once or twice had a ball find a resting spot on the FUB (Field Unit
> Brick), but it's pretty hard to do (and may depend on a slightly
> malformed FUB).
> > Cutest touch I have seen in all the soccer sets so far... the player X ray.
> >
> > Guess what a minifig foot looks like under X ray? You already know!!! it looks
> > like a skeleton foot, of course. That had me and Nik in stitches, it was so
> > obviously *right*.
> I noticed that also, yes very cute.
> I've always wondered if the size of a stud was accidental, but almost
> everything else where I've noticed connectibility I'm sure is either
> intentional, or a given based on the geometry. TLC's designers seem to
> take a lot of care in chosing dimensions of things.
> --
> Frank Filz
> -----------------------------
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 | | Re: Review of 3401 Shoot 'N Score
| (...) A couple notes about the goalie handle: the pin which plugs into the player holder is a tiny axle pin, and the handle also has the ball half of a ball and socket joint sticking down. (...) I've once or twice had a ball find a resting spot on (...) (25 years ago, 25-Apr-00, to lugnet.general)
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