Re: Review of 3401 Shoot 'N Score
Tue, 25 Apr 2000 03:24:00 GMT
1324 times
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In lugnet.general, Frank Filz writes:
> To go into the mechanics, which Larry didn't mention...
> Pushing down causes the player to rear back, and releasing causes the player
> to spring forward and "kick" the ball. Actually, it is the holder which hits
> the ball (and sometimes launches the player across the field as well as the
> ball). There is a little spring built into the holder (which is actually 3
> parts, the goalies holders do not have the pin and spring, just the top
> piece).
The pin is, surprise, surprise, a standard grey(swivelable) technic pin in form
factor on the bottom, with some sort of spring holding doohickie and a pivot
point pair (female) on the top. It appears molded from the ZNAP or minifig hand
plastic as it takes a lot of abuse
The thing that the minifig plugs into is the same for both the goalie (where it
plugs into a handle device which is technic axle in cross section for a good
part of it) and the field player (where the male pivot pins and spring holding
center pin mate with the female pivot point pair and spring holding doohickie,
Very clever design. Good use of existing metaphors and design idioms too (it is
clear why the minifig feet being hollow is a good thing, as the modified studs
the minifigs plug into are more than one stud high, at least in back... they
are two level to work with the hollowness of the fig's foot)
I also like that the brickish things that the pin plugs into have somewhat of a
depression so that almost no matter where you drop the ball on the field, it
rolls to some player. The only exception is if it ends up with no relative
motion on a perfectly evenly seated tile, in which case it will sit. But who
can seat their tiles that perfectly? It was never a problem for us.
My biggest beef at the mo is that the field sides don't extend high enough, we
launched a bunch of balls in our 3 hours of playing and had to go looking for
them in various corners of the upstairs family room. One row of 1xn bricks
would have fixed that a bit I think.
Cutest touch I have seen in all the soccer sets so far... the player X ray.
Guess what a minifig foot looks like under X ray? You already know!!! it looks
like a skeleton foot, of course. That had me and Nik in stitches, it was so
obviously *right*.
Message has 1 Reply:  | | Re: Review of 3401 Shoot 'N Score
| (...) A couple notes about the goalie handle: the pin which plugs into the player holder is a tiny axle pin, and the handle also has the ball half of a ball and socket joint sticking down. (...) I've once or twice had a ball find a resting spot on (...) (25 years ago, 25-Apr-00, to lugnet.general)
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: Review of 3401 Shoot 'N Score
| Christopher Masi wrote in message <>... (...) push (...) (pushing (...) spring (...) shoots out? To go into the mechanics, which Larry didn't mention... Pushing down causes the player to rear back, and releasing causes (...) (25 years ago, 25-Apr-00, to lugnet.general)
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