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Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
Tue, 14 Mar 2000 14:11:34 GMT
1262 times
In lugnet.general, Ed Jones writes:
In lugnet.announce, Todd Lehman writes:

Set Search
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- • --
javascript:q=document.getSelection();if(!q)void(q=prompt("LUGNET Set

Todd this is great stuff.  However, when I clicked on the link, set search
came up with:

"")?"+":escape(c)}location.href=u}" (the last few lines of javascript)

in the search field.  Once I erased that it worked fine.  I double cheked the
bookmark propertieis and the text quoted in the search box was not accidently
copied twice in the java sccipt.

But this is way cool.

Of course it happened three times in a row and is not happening now.  This is

One thing would make it even better: If it would open another browser window so
you could access sets and continue reading a post/sale/auction message without
having to use the back and forward keys to navigate between a message and set

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
(...) If you use the QuickSet Search it does just that, opens a little browser window. Dang, this is cool. Thanks, Todd. eric (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
(...) isn't that exactly what the quickset does? Dan (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)
  Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
(...) Hiya Ed, Try one of these: (2 URLs) (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Fun goodies for your browser's toolbar
(...) -- (...) Search",""));if(q){u="(URL) Todd this is great stuff. However, when I clicked on the link, set search came up with: "")?"+":escape(c)}lo...n.href=u}" (the last few lines of javascript) in the search field. Once I erased that it worked (...) (25 years ago, 14-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)

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