| | Re: What non-LEGO entities are lurking in your LEGO collection?
Shiri Dori <shirid@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:Fr25nE.KEu@lugnet.com... (...) the (...) Ah! This explains (in part) the heavy predominance of minifigs over other pieces on your web site. (...) have (...) and (...) just a (...) in (...) Not (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)
 | | Re: What non-LEGO entities are lurking in your LEGO collection?
(...) This looks like a good place to step in with my own, "what I've found in with the Lego" story(ies). First, Shiri, thanks for the plug, just remember, I did not pay you for it, LOL. Seriously, imitation is the greatest form of flattery. Brad, (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)
 | | Re: What non-LEGO entities are lurking in your LEGO collection?
(...) Just giving credit where credit is due... and I love your mythical creatures. (...) I would've used that piece -- if I had it... looks beeter than the silly dragon wings... -Shiri (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)
 | | Re: What non-LEGO entities are lurking in your LEGO collection?
(...) It shouldn't, it just makes it a nightmare, (matched with a black horse); a suitible steed for some dark knight, or evil king. It's always preferable to balance the good with the evil. Supports conflict and moves a story along. Rich -- Have (...) (25 years ago, 8-Mar-00, to lugnet.general)