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Re: Factoring going off line for a while
lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,,
Mon, 28 Feb 2000 23:57:57 GMT
72 times
In lugnet.announce, Larry Pieniazek writes:
Important announcement regarding factoring...

OK, we have moved. I have the Gateway set back up. However, I have some mail
challenges. The Dell laptop where I do all my mail picked (well, Murphy did the
picking) the worst possible time to act up. It's throwing blue screens of death
whenever i try to dial in with it. I THINK all the data on it is safe, but...
and of course it decided to start acting up AFTER I'd packed everything else.
So that's why no one has heard peep one from me... i just got my gateway
unpacked. I am going to take a full image of the dell before I try repairing
it, etc.

If you have some absolute emergency that absolutely can't wait (*but I can't
imagine what could qualify*) you can drop me a line at, the only email I currently have working (although I
expect to be back on the air soon...) I probably won't respond unless I really
really think it really really is an emergency.

Factoring txns, and other email not yet received is safe on the mercator (or
voyager) servers... what is most at risk is mail I already received but didn't
process yet, as that's in the inbox of an unstable machine)..

Deep apologies for posting a tale of my woe but I figure there may be people
wondering what happened

Good news is that USPS, UPS and Airborne Express have all found me
successfully, bringing mail, TRU packages and large checks respectively.



PS I hate this Gateway keyboard... grr... I make a lot of mistakes on it and it
drives me crazy

Message has 3 Replies:
  Re: Factoring going off line for a while
(...) BSOD, huh? Sounds like Bill Labs (not Dell or Murphy) did the picking! <duck> <er, penguin ;-> --Todd (happily 100% BSOD- and MS-free, now living on 100% Linux & FreeBSD) (25 years ago, 29-Feb-00, to
  Re: Factoring going off line for a while
Larry Pieniazek wrote in message ... (...) mail (...) the (...) death (...) but... (...) else. (...) repairing (...) can't (...) (although I (...) really (...) (or (...) didn't (...) people (...) and it (...) The great Larry has fallen. He makes (...) (25 years ago, 29-Feb-00, to
  Re: Factoring going off line for a while
(...) And now I think things MAY be returning to normal. I have a new laptop, I think I have all my mail restored, and i just sent myself a factor form to check. However I have 200 emails to wade through before I'm current. ++Lar (if this posts, I (...) (25 years ago, 1-Mar-00, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Factoring going off line for a while
Important announcement regarding factoring... I have just processed a big batch of factor requests. I am about to pack the office, so this service that dozens, if not hundreds, of people, have used is about to go off the air for a little while, (...) (25 years ago, 23-Feb-00, to lugnet.announce, lugnet.general,,

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