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Re: an update -- and an apology
lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general
Tue, 29 Feb 2000 00:06:26 GMT
89 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, Brad Justus writes:
I can say now that we are building our new offerings not to a narrow focus
limited age appeal (i.e. what has been perceived as the "traditional" LEGO
target of children). Instead, we recognize that our appeal extends over a wide
range of ages and interests, and that LEGO has a value proposition not only • for
younger children, but for young parents, families, older children and
teenagers, and - most decidedly - adults. Nor do we view LEGO Mindstorms as • our
only product with adult appeal; the health and vitality of LUGNET is testament
to the interest our core play materials products hold for everyone. So we will
be reshaping our direct-to-consumer presence, both online and offline (for
example, the LEGO club), to be much more attuned to the needs and interests of
our consumers.

Thanks for the update Brad! I hope this means what I think it means. That us
Townies have something to look foward to in the future. I am sure many will
agree that we don't mind City Centre as a theme that acts as a bridge for
first-time SYSTEM builders. What we do mind is that City Centre completely
replaced Town.

Message is in Reply To:
  an update -- and an apology
To everyone at LUGNET: My apologies for what may have been the longest recorded case of AFK ("away from the keyboard") in recent memory. But believe me, it was all in a good cause - I think all LEGO enthusiasts (and particularly AFOLs) will be (...) (25 years ago, 28-Feb-00, to lugnet.dear-lego, lugnet.general) ! 

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