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Re: Ghosts?
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 15:35:07 GMT
682 times
In lugnet.general, David Eaton writes:
I just realized that I'm very curious-- I seem to have 2 ghosts whose origin I
do not know... I actually have 4 ghosts altogether now (two were aquired in a
recent purchase) but the other two I'm certain must have been in a set... I
just have no idea which one! Here's something else-- the 2 ghosts I just
acquired have a 1x2 brick and a 1x2 plate for legs underneath the white torso,
but the other two ghosts (whose origin I don't know) have white minifig legs
(and waist).

I looked through the pause guide (and through my instruction books) to find • out
where in the world I got them from, but I am still without clue. They are NOT
from any of these sets (largely because I don't have these sets [YET!])

1590? Ghostly Hideout
1596 "Ghost with Wolfman" (part of 1597 value pack)
1888 Black Knight's Guardshack
6034 Black Monarch's Ghost
6081 King's Mountain Fortress
6086 Black Knight's Castle
6090 Royal Knight's Castle

What other sets come with ghosts? Particularly ghosts with white legs instead
of 1x2 pieces? I also seem to remember getting them fairly recently, so I'd
guess that the sets were at the *most* 3 or 4 years old or so... (but I could
be wrong). Did they come in any Ninja sets or Pirate sets? Any ideas?


What about the Time Cruisers sets, they had ghosts in them, although I don't
know about the legs!!

Dan M.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Ghosts?
In lugnet.general, Dan Moquin writes: <SNIP> (...) Whoops didn't see Joel's reply. PS How do you cancel messages. Dan M. (25 years ago, 23-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)

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I just realized that I'm very curious-- I seem to have 2 ghosts whose origin I do not know... I actually have 4 ghosts altogether now (two were aquired in a recent purchase) but the other two I'm certain must have been in a set... I just have no (...) (25 years ago, 23-Nov-99, to lugnet.general)

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