Re: Very Long super ramble...
Mon, 22 Nov 1999 22:30:42 GMT
1095 times
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Steve Bliss wrote in message ...
> In lugnet.general, craig hamilton wrote:
> > In lugnet.general, Steve Bliss writes:
> > > Craig, you must learn to snip when quoting! ;)
> >
> > i'd love to, but the only way i've found to do it on my webtv is to run
> > backward through the text with my delete key. this post would've taken
> > forever...well minutes anyway. sorry. unless there's some other way to do it
> > that i'm not aware bugs me too, so i'll be more vigilant.
> Ooo, crumbs! If that's the case, then never mind my petty little problems.
> Steve
Suggestion to the web-tv users - if you're adding a short reply
to a long message, in that case, you might want to put your reply up at
the top of the message, instead of at the bottom, if that's easy, and sign
your post or something so that people know your post is finished. That
way people won't scroll to the bottom looking for more text when
you reply to a lengthy message.
An almost completely unrelated question - does anyone know
how to stop Outlook Express newsreader from trying to set
my line breaks where it wants them to be? It's quite apparent
that it is breaking my lines in the messages I author at considerably
less than 80 characters per line. As a result, I usually post
thru the web interface, but I wish I could configure Outlook Express
to not be so nasty and to trust me to put in carriage returns
in the right places.
-- "Float on a river, forever and ever, Emily"
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