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  LEGO Systems Builds Eighth Consecutive Year of U.S. Sales Growth
NEW YORK, Feb. 8, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL TOY FAIR LEGO Systems Builds Eighth Consecutive Year of U.S. Sales Growth -Brand relevance and play pattern at an all-time high as company's 2012 sales increase by 26%- LEGO Systems, (...) (12 years ago, 9-Feb-13, to lugnet.mediawatch, lugnet.general, FTX) ! 
  Re: 10232 Palace Cinema - Modular Building.
(...) For sure, at least as far as I am concerned! All Swedes are fluent in English :-) (URL) ('Allmänt Lego' - 'General') would be the place for information, but beware, we're a bit compartmentalized (?word), and quite strict against advertizing in (...) (12 years ago, 5-Feb-13, to lugnet.general)
  Re: 10232 Palace Cinema - Modular Building.
(...) Hi Anders!! Sorry about that... that image will be in the next version of the LEGO DVD/download (in about 4-5 months)... which will be free to current owners. I was looking at the "updated" chapter. I'll have to make sure to look at the (...) (12 years ago, 5-Feb-13, to lugnet.general)
  Re: 10232 Palace Cinema - Modular Building.
(...) Gary, do you have any more information on that old Palace Cinema - I couldn't find it in my copy of your guide - did I miss an update, or are you talking about what will be? Is it a unique build for the ad, or was it something retailers could (...) (12 years ago, 31-Jan-13, to lugnet.general)
  10232 Palace Cinema - Modular Building.
Well many of you have already seen the latest of the Modular LEGO buildings... the 10232 Palace Cinema Set. Facebook has a nice overview from one of the 2 designers... https://www.facebook...=3&theater This building design is based on American movie (...) (12 years ago, 29-Jan-13, to lugnet.general) ! 
  Re: LEGO Set Variations....
(...) It helps NOT to hit the POST key before finishing!! ;) Here are the images of the 2 variations to the trucks... (URL) rare image will be added to the next version of the LEGO DVD/download... free to all current purchasers... Cheers, Gary Istok (...) (12 years ago, 28-Jan-13, to lugnet.general)
  Re: LEGO Set Variations....
(...) It helps NOT to hit the POST key before finishing!! ;) Here are the images of the 2 variations to the trucks... (URL) rare image will be added to the next version of the LEGO DVD/download... free to all current purchasers... Cheers, Gary Istok (...) (12 years ago, 28-Jan-13, to lugnet.general)
  Re: LEGO Set Variations....
Another set that had 2 variations came out in 1989... the 6661 MOBILE TV STUDIO SET. This set came with a "TV" pattern on two 1x4x3 blue panels, and two1x1 yellow tiles with the number "2" on them. The box and instructions also showed these parts. (...) (12 years ago, 28-Jan-13, to lugnet.general)
  Re: LEGO Set Variations....
LEGO stickers were introduced in circa 1972. Prior to that LEGO sets would have printed bricks... mostly in the 1x6 and 1x8 sizes. However with the advent of stickers, the printed bricks became much less used in LEGO sets, thus saving a lot of money (...) (12 years ago, 28-Jan-13, to lugnet.general)
  Re: LEGO Set Variations....
One of my favorite LEGO sets of all time was the 1956-65 Esso Service Station. This set was produced in Denmark, Norway and Sweden from 1956-58 using the 1310 set number, before switching to the 310 set number in 1958. It started production in other (...) (12 years ago, 27-Jan-13, to lugnet.general)

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