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  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
(...) General Mills is based in Minneapolis, which just bought most Minneapolis-based Pillsbury, owned by London-based Diaego, the part they didn't buy was Miami-based Burger King. (...) The software comes with some internet software stuff, so what (...) (24 years ago, 21-Aug-00, to
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
(...) I also noticed from the pictures of the box (address below)that the box had a picture of the CD. The cover had the name of some company named laser something (I'll go check in a min). Lego probally sold the software to them or signed a (...) (24 years ago, 21-Aug-00, to
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
r2 wrote in message ... , A crazy women strewing LARGE Cheerios boxes across the (...) oops! Spell check error. I have a baby and small child in tow. (...) (24 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
The CDROM market has hit bottom. Free in Cheerios. Not long ago, Mattel was offering a $19.99 rebate on selected CDROM titles for kids. These discs were sold through CompUSA, Toys R Us, OfficeMax, you name it. Mattel's typical wholesale take of 50% (...) (24 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
Todd Lehman wrote in message ... (...) the (...) pieces! (...) I went to my local grocery store yesterday, (Albertson's) and I found the following; Cheerios ($3 for the large box) which contained either Clue, Amazon Trails, Word Detective and Lego (...) (24 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
(...) [...] I just tried it in my Mac (using Virtual PC). I can confirm that the software is awful. It's too bad.. looks like a lot of work went into it and it could have been fantastic. ..kind of a tease of what could have been. I think it's worth (...) (24 years ago, 20-Aug-00, to,
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
(...) It actually is. I happen to know coz I wrote them a consumer letter for a silly English class project (it had to be food, or, else I'd write TLC ;-) (...) hafta buy three boxes, shucks ;-) (or maybe I'll pass the creator! By the reviews I've (...) (24 years ago, 19-Aug-00, to
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
I got a box of Cherrios with Amazon Trails in it. :) Didn't see any with Lego Creator though. :( Troy -- -- Please note my new e-mail addresses: Personal: Lego Sales Related: -- "Todd Lehman" (...) (24 years ago, 19-Aug-00, to
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
(...) Hmm it would be much cheaper with a box of cereal, might even convince me to try it (LEGO Creator) I don't go down the cereal aisle much at the local supermarket. Mike (24 years ago, 19-Aug-00, to
  Re: Sweetening LEGO Creator
(...) Frosted Lucky Charms ARE magically delicious! Lego, while fun, does not taste yummy in milk... I MUST buy some cereal now, bye! :o) Aaron (24 years ago, 18-Aug-00, to

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