Re: The Pumpkin Patch
Wed, 18 Sep 2002 15:07:26 GMT
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In, Greg Perry writes:
> As far as trick-or-treaters go - it occurred to me the other day that it
> would be good to whip up some of these using the new stubby legs that show
> up on the ewoks and Yoda. The color choice is limited (tan and brown I
> think) but it would make them look more like kids compared to other mini-figs.
> Greg
First off, I want to say that your pumpkin patch looks great. I would love
to throw one together. (But I'm not going to buy those beads at those
prices, so I gues I'll just have to dream.)
About the Stubbies™, look here:
Black in a Harry Potter set, and LtBlue from the new Slave one. Hopefully
we will continue to see more of these in other colors.
Jason Spears
MichLUG -
Lego Page -
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| | Re: The Pumpkin Patch
| (...) I had not considered baseplates of another color - that's a great idea. I think I have enough brown plates to cover a good-sized area. I'll put a layer of them down first on the green baseplate and then the pumpkin plants on top of the brown (...) (22 years ago, 18-Sep-02, to
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