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Re: brikwars...
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 07:06:08 GMT
114 times
...I found the weapons a mess to deal with. We were always trying to remember • what the
weapons were (2 pieces is impact pistol or gyro pistol?) and then figuring

Well, the whole 'pieces' thing is just a suggestion, if you have some other
way to keep track of which pistol (or any other type of weapon) is which then
of course feel free to use it.

out the to-hits
and ranges and damages for assorted different weapons. And we never could • remember exactly
what major guns were on our mecha... and what ranges things shot at were • weird and all
over the place...

...The net result is we spent valuable play time looking up things :-/

Yeah, that can be a problem the first few games.  What you'll want to do is
draw up a 'spec sheet' for each of your big vehicles, so you have all their
weapon stats handy along with their Move and Armor ratings.  As for regular
troops, if you aren't used to all the different weapons yet, each player
should try to equip his troops in a fairly similar fashion to limit the number
of different weapon types to keep track of.

...So anyway, I propose a streamlining of the weapons. It does take some • variability from
the game, but replaces it with simplicity to make the games go a bit faster • so you can
concentrate on mass killing the opponent!

To some extent I feel the same way, but I would get so many complaint letters,
I'll never do it.  Even now people are always mailing me wanting me to make
more and more specific stats some random and esoteric weapon or another.
There's nothing stopping you from just refraining from fielding a lot of
different kinds of weapons though, if you want to simplify your life.

...For vehicles, I propose simplifying the weapons there too. Rather than • list different
weapons, have larger weapons just be increments of a basic weapon. A MKIII • laser is just
3x a MKI laser.

Nothing stopping you from buying three MKI Lasers and firing them all at the
same time, either.

I agree with your sentiment that the game is way too complicated in some
regards, but all these extra stats and equipment and rules and everything
else, they're just provided as options, nobody has to use them if they don't
want, and a simple, straightforward standardized army is not really at any
significant disadvantage to a super-customized and specialized army.  It just
depends on each player's comfort level with how much complexity he's willing
to put up with.

...lastly, squads:

...We had a couple times where we all ganged up to take down things.
This isn't such a bad thing, but doesn't seem right. So how bout squads
be identified either by the colour of the plate they stand on, or a
group of the same type figs, etc... Only members of the same squad can
gang up to fire on a single target. Multiple squads can all fire at the
same target, but they cant combine together.

The boys over at NELUG used a similar rule and I wrote it into the next
revision as soon as I heard about it.  I'll quote it here for you so you don't
have to wait for the html revision (which would probably be about a month or
two unless something goes wrong).  It's an optional rule under 3.3.1:
Cumulative Damage / Combined Fire.

<begin quote>

Optional Rule: Organized Attacks
You may decide that soldiers can only do Cumulative Damage if someone
organizes the operation - combined assaults cannot happen at random.  In this
case, a minifig may only order a combined attack if:

- he is a Squad's communications officer (he has a radio), in which case any
member of the squad within shouting distance (8") may take part in the
combined attack;
- he is piloting a vehicle with radio communication, in which case any other
vehicle with radio communication may join him in a combined attack;
- he is a Hero, a Champion, or an authority figure in general, in which case
he can order any subordinate units within communication range to join in a
combined attack.  Communication range will vary depending on the communication
equipment used (2.4.2: Equipment).

<end quote>

Are there going to be any battle report pages?

- Mike Rayhawk.

    Check out the Official BrikWars Home Page at

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: brikwars...
(...) ...The pieces thing is a great idea, conceptually, it makes it easy to tell weapons apart without making them all the exact same... It just didn't work rite in practice... (...) ...I wanted to avoid paper as much as possible, mostly in the (...) (25 years ago, 20-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)

Message is in Reply To:
...We (WAMALUG) had our first test brikwars game saturday and I must say it was fun (specially when the big mecha pilot got enraged and swore death at his attackers :-) _BUT_ (there's always a but in these things)... ...I found the weapons a mess to (...) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)

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