Re: brikwars...
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 16:09:26 GMT
118 times
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In, Stephen F. Roberts writes:
> ...We (WAMALUG) had our first test brikwars game saturday and I must say it
> was fun
> (specially when the big mecha pilot got enraged and swore death at his
> attackers :-)
Heh. In our first game a pilot got that, and tried to ram my mech with his
speeder bike. It didn't work. :D
> _BUT_
> (there's always a but in these things)...
> ...I found the weapons a mess to deal with. We were always trying to remember
> what the
> weapons were (2 pieces is impact pistol or gyro pistol?) and then figuring out
> the to-hits
> and ranges and damages for assorted different weapons. And we never could
> remember exactly
> what major guns were on our mecha... and what ranges things shot at were weird
> and all
> over the place...
> ...The net result is we spent valuable play time looking up things :-/
This can be avoided by writing down all the stats and weapons (and stats of the
weapons) when you make your army- then you have it all right in front of you,
and all you'll have to look up is little nitpicky rules.
Shaun Sullivan made some *excellent* templates for the 1998 rules set (1998 is
the version currently available in HTML) but I'll let him say more about that.
> ...So anyway, I propose a streamlining of the weapons. It does take some
> variability from
> the game,
Ah, but variety is the spice of life.
Anyway, as a long-time gamer I can tell you that in any game, the "rules" are
just suggestions, and you should feel free to make any house rules your group
feels make the game more fun for you.
Message has 3 Replies: | | Re: brikwars...
| (...) At the recent Ohio BrikWars I myself didn't follow the #of elements per weapon rules, although my SpaceMarines only used Gyro weapons. The one piece "megaphone" was a Gyro Pistol, while the "camera" piece was a Gyro Rifle. (...) This is (...) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)
| | | Re: brikwars...
| (...) You'll hear more about it in the field reports (one for each side :) ) when we finish them, but it was hilarious! Stephen's side damaged my mech twice, the first time halving my movement (from 11 to five), and the second time was when they (...) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)
| | | Re: brikwars...
| (...) ...I had the rules tables on hand, but short of tacking little cards with each squad, it was still hard to remember who went where. It wasn't too bad looking up weapons on the weapons table, but all those little checks added up quickly :-/ (...) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)
Message is in Reply To:
| | brikwars...
| ...We (WAMALUG) had our first test brikwars game saturday and I must say it was fun (specially when the big mecha pilot got enraged and swore death at his attackers :-) _BUT_ (there's always a but in these things)... ...I found the weapons a mess to (...) (25 years ago, 19-Apr-00, to lugnet.gaming)
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