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Re: Technic, what happened to the good old days?
Mon, 15 Jan 2007 21:37:20 GMT
9713 times
In lugnet.dear-lego, Allan Porter wrote:
Hi all me again. Earlier in the week I posted this:

No new pieces to get exited about. I'm not talking about new lift arms, existing
pieces in new colours or a new way to connect two pneumatics end to end (from
2005's XXL crane). I'm talking about those pieces that give you increased
functionality. The functionalty of the 8880 supercar was made possible bacause
of the numerous new elements it had. Some may argue that the cost of designing
new elements may be prohibitive. However TLG design and manufacture numerous new
parts every year (flexible axles and corrugated tubing, fairings, the whole
bionicle line, etc), so why don't they design some new parts that enforce the
idea of the technic range (the idea of technic being functionality, not just
looks). This new tow truck model would be great if it had spline shafts and a
differential with a crown gear on it and one or two other new elements to give
it live axles and suspention. Last years XXL crane was good (one of the best
things being the peice count) but it would be so much better with one long
pneumatic instead of the two short ones. And even an extra long one for
extending the boom and using the motor to rotate the crane instead. And those
new pieces described earlier being used again to give it live axels and
suspention too. DROOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

I wonder what new technic components the people of lugnet would like to see.
Parts for a helicopter that enable the blades to tilt in all directions and
change pitch in a sleek and compact design (and with little friction to make
life easier for a motor) maybe. Or a rotary pneumatic actuator. Power steering
parts perhaps. I would really like the syncromesh gears done in all the sizes of
the normal gears and a couple of well designed components that allow you to
mount the gear stick anywhere and with smooth gear changes like the 8880
(changing gears in the super street sensation was horrible).

Well I have posted some pictures on brickshelf of the synchromesh gears and
differencial with a crown gear. There is some other new parts I'de like to see
lego put into production.

I could not agree with you any more Allan. To be honest i lost interest after
the barcode truck - the models after it did not give me the urge to race down
toys r us with money ;).

Technic needs new pieces, perhaps more realistic gearbox parts so a more gearbox
like action can be attained, anti roll bar pieces, real shock absorbers (with no
spring) or shock absorbers with removable springs so you can design  your own
suspension system or use ready made. McPherson strut pieces? Leaf spring pieces?
pneumatic brake cylinders, shoes with felt and drums, callipers with pads (felt
lined) and little discs? the list goes on.

Lego needs to release a COOL car like the Daytona but better :). Remote control
with a gearbox 4 wheel drive and 4 wheel steering. I know someone who could and
is doing something similar - so why cant lego!

The trouble is technic sometimes seems to try to compete with other market areas
at the same time, meaning the models look prettier to the mass public (uglier to
me lol) at a loss of functionality. Technic was never meant to look pretty in my
honest opinion, as it is a engineers and budding engineers toy and prototyping
tool. It was meant to be functional, looks came later.

Also the red Supercar, i dislike the flexible tubing and fairings, wings and
ready made shell parts etc. Lego was about part re usability where possible (a
beam can be a chassis leg, or a bit of wing, like the Daytona a Superb set), i
cant exactly use a red plastic fairing in a chassis can I?

Also the forced use of the studless beams does get me down. Don't get me wrong
studless is good for some things, like crane booms. Studded technic beams in my
opinion are easier and nicer to work with when building complex gearbox's and

Put it this way i cant see the daytona supercar's chassis with all those
geartrains easily being done with studless ;).

Things have their benefits and disadvantages - i wish lego would use studded
beams where it was suited rather than insisting on studless.

I will say something tho - after years of being stubborn and staying with stuff
i had up to the barcode truck and buying second hand from 97 and before, i have
just purchased the NXT set - having great fun :) - and i intend on purchasing
the new bulldozer if it is true, and perhaps the pneumatic mobile crane :).

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Technic, what happened to the good old days?
(...) I really like all these ideas i think there are plenty of ideas hear and in this and other similar threds to keep the technic line fresh for years. (...) You have raised a very good point. Technic is trying to compete with other market areas (...) (18 years ago, 11-Feb-07, to lugnet.dear-lego)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Technic, what happened to the good old days?
Hi all me again. Earlier in the week I posted this: (...) Well I have posted some pictures on brickshelf of the synchromesh gears and differencial with a crown gear. There is some other new parts I'de like to see lego put into production. (URL) (19 years ago, 26-Jul-06, to lugnet.dear-lego)

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