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Re: Thoughts on Parts Taxonomy
Mon, 13 May 2002 13:54:27 GMT
3799 times
In lugnet.db.brictionary, Dan Boger wrote:

that part (and it's name) come from partsref - we try to use partsref names
whenever we can, unless it's for a part that isn't available as a dat yet.
But even for X numbers (our custom parts), we will eventually rename them to
whatever the LDraw guys come up with...

So the place you should push for a change here is partsref, not peeron :)

Hey, don't go blaming poor Partsref for something that's an LDraw
problem. ;)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Thoughts on Parts Taxonomy
(...) doh, you're right. Everyone, please don't complain to Steve about the names in Partsref, just complain to Steve about the names in LDraw :P <G,D&R> (23 years ago, 14-May-02, to lugnet.db.brictionary)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Thoughts on Parts Taxonomy
(...) that part (and it's name) come from partsref - we try to use partsref names whenever we can, unless it's for a part that isn't available as a dat yet. But even for X numbers (our custom parts), we will eventually rename them to whatever the (...) (23 years ago, 12-May-02, to lugnet.db.brictionary)

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